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TEL:(803) 802 - 8899 FAX:(803) 802 - 8896
6284 Carolina Commons Dr., Indian Land, SC, 29707
Store Hours:
Lunch: Tues. - Sun.11am - 3pm
Dinner: Tues. - Thur. & Sun.3pm - 9pm
 Fri. & Sat.:3pm - 10pm


Welcome to Red Bowl

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Red Bowl offers a full service bar
an award winning sushi bar

Thank you for choosing Red Bowl in Indian Land the unique approach to Asian cooking.

Red Bowl in Indian Land is a traditional Asian restaurant in a contemporary setting featuring a full-service cocktail lounge serving Asian-inspired drinks. Each distinctive dish is handcrafted to order in our immaculate, open kitchen, prepared with only the finest and freshest ingredients.

Our combination Asian cooking techniques allow us to create exceptional pan-Asian cuisine! At Red Bowl, you'll always discover more than you expect. From our create-your-own stir fry bar, award-winning sushi bar and family-friendly atmosphere to our wide variety of Asian dished.

Red Bowl strives to preserve the best time-honored cooking traditions while providing a fresh, flavorful alternative for today's connoisseur.

Tel : (803) 802 - 8899
Fax : (803) 802 - 8896
Address : 6284 Carolina Commons Dr.
Indian Land, SC 29707

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