Wok N Roll


466 W General Screven Way, Hinesville, Georgia,  31313


Monday ~ Saturday:
10:00am to 3:30pm


Monday ~ Thursday:
4:00pm to 10:30pm
Friday & Saturday:
4:00pm to 11:00pm
Sunday All Day:
11:00am to 10:00pm

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    Chinese Zodiac














    1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

    • Mild, introverted
    • Sometimes fears others will laugh
    • Serious, responsible
    • Considers consequences before deciding or acting
    • Generous, and often financially successful as well
    • Values family and friends
    • Unselfishly helps others
    • Straightforward, but with a high tolerance
    • Likes a noble guide to trust throughout life
    • Faithful, sincere, and giving
    • Shows true self to everyone
    • Puts forth no flattery or fakeness
    • Not vulnerable, because pig inspires affection and devotion from others
    • Candid way may sometimes affect romantic relationships negatively

    Outlook: You will have a harmonious year with luck in career, family and love.

    Lucky Numbers: 2, 8
    Lucky Directions: SW, NE
    Lucky Colours: Yellow, Grey
    Lucky Love Matches: Ram, Rabbit
    Your Mandarin Match: Shrimp Chow Mein, Garden Salad
    Beverage Match: Chocolate Mudslide



    1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

    • Perceived as well-rounded, popular and neat
    • Smart, adaptive, outgoing, optimistic, uncomplaining
    • Sharp ability to observe, understand and anticipate
    • Good at debating
    • Makes the most of his time and knows how to use the talents of others
    • Not afraid of change, adapting well to new situations
    • Analyzes the cost and benefit before acting
    • Aims at expending the least amount of energy and resources to achieve value
    • Attracts others by displaying intelligence
    • Talent for perceiving the true nature and true feelings of others makes the rat successful romantically

    Outlook: This year will be busy; make sure to relax with friends and family.

    Lucky Numbers: 2, 3
    Lucky Directions: SE, NE
    Lucky Colours: Blue, Gold
    Lucky Love Matches: Dragon, Monkey
    Your Mandarin Match: Mandarin Combination Fried Rice, Egg Drop with Mushroom Soup
    Beverage Match: Stinger



    1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

    • Dilligent, wise, down to earth, stoic
    • Likes to think about and plan actions thoroughly, before acting
    • Pushes forward according to plans, no matter the difficulty
    • Does not “show off” but is still a force to be reckoned with
    • Will remember when wronged, but will also make it a priority to pay back a kind deed
    • If valued, given responsibility, and supported, ox will strive for greatness
    • Prefers practicality to theory
    • Pursues safety and stability
    • Gentle for the most part, but can erupt with little care for the consequences
    • Enjoys a steady and quiet love life
    • Thoughtful to loved one, and very faithful

    Outlook:Expect to be recognized for your hard work. Donꊰ be afraid to reap the reward

    Lucky Numbers: 9, 1
    Lucky Directions: S, SE
    Lucky Colours: Blue, Red
    Lucky Love Matches: Rooster, Snake
    Your Mandarin Match: Barbecued Spareribs, Plain Fried Rice
    Beverage Match: Konig Beer



    1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

    • Loves power
    • Brave, relentless, graceful
    • Tends to make enemies because tiger is seen as a threat by others, and tiger likes to be blunt with words
    • Able to make wishes a reality – eg. Wants to lead, so acts like a leader
    • People allied with tiger will be well looked after
    • Chooses to work in larger companies, to accommodate high ambitions
    • Doesn’t like to have position of power challenged, and will fight to keep status
    • Will not complain when frustrated, but instead will make efforts to overcome the difficulty
    • Generous with money
    • Prefers to hit the town at night, instead of staying at home for a quiet evening
    • Tends toward possessiveness and jealousy in relationships
    • Faithful

    Outlook: Spend time with those around you. Your family life will be stable and happy.

    Lucky Numbers: 1, 3
    Lucky Directions: S, E
    Lucky Colours: Blue, Grey
    Lucky Love Matches: Horse, Dog
    Your Mandarin Match: Singapore Noodles, Chicken Foo Yong
    Beverage Match: Flaming Sambuca



    1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

    • Loves peace, hates conflict
    • Wants to be accepted by others, almost to the point of disregarding own thoughts and feelings
    • Avoids expressing beliefs, not wanting to risk criticism
    • Eloquence and flexibility make rabbit many friends
    • Alert to human behaviour – knows when to proceed and when to withdraw
    • Careful to establish own realm to get away from others and relax
    • Not susceptible to being taken advantage of, since rabbit knows the nature and motives of others
    • Reveals true self only to those most trusted and loved
    • Hesitant and shy about matters of the heart
    • Finds it hard at times to resist temptations outside a current relationship
    • Makes progress steadily in love and work, instead of great strides and long lulls

    Outlook:You will have a chance to create partnerships with people outside your circle.

    Lucky Numbers: 3, 4
    Lucky Directions: E, SE
    Lucky Colours: Red, Pink
    Lucky Love Matches: Ram, Pig
    Your Mandarin Match: Sautéed Snow Peas, Baby Corn & Water Chestnuts, Cream Caramel
    Beverage Match: Snow Ball



    1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

    • Unlimited potential
    • Tends to be a dreamer, ability to brainstorm is top-notch
    • Energetic, wise, smart
    • Makes own opinions and conclusions
    • Does not pay attention to trivial things
    • Tends to be impatient
    • Does not hide anything, taking responsibility for actions and facing the consequences
    • Loves adventures
    • Kind and faithful
    • Charm comes from enthusiasm
    • Attracts others with talent, career-mindedness
    • Marries late, on account of the focus on career

    Outlook: Be patient and you will experience a prosperous time for career and marriage.

    Lucky Numbers: 1, 7
    Lucky Directions: W, NW
    Lucky Colours: Gold, Silver
    Lucky Love Matches: Rat, Monkey
    Your Mandarin Match: Hot & Sour Soup, Shrimp with Lobster Sauce
    Beverage Match: Mandarin Magic



    1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

    • Sophisticated, intelligent, rational, fair, independent
    • Likes to make detailed plans and work through those plans
    • Has an eye for beauty
    • Prefers to be in control, working hands-on
    • Understands people and rewards them according to their achievement
    • Diligent, doesn’t like to give up
    • Hates losing grace in front of others
    • Doesn’t like asking for help, but is willing to help others
    • Isolates self - observes and assesses people over time before trusting others
    • Appears cold, but is warm, and has a mysterious charm
    • Faithfully protects loved ones
    • Charming in romantic relationships, but can also be suspicious

    Outlook:There will be many opportunities for both career and romance. Choose wisely.

    Lucky Numbers: 2, 8
    Lucky Directions: SW, NE
    Lucky Colours: Yellow, Red
    Lucky Love Matches: Ox, Rooster
    Your Mandarin Match: New Zealand Mussels in Black Bean Sauce, Vegetable Mushroom Chow Mein
    Beverage Match: Saketini



    1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002. 2014

    • Independent, open-minded, outgoing
    • Doesn’t like being restrained
    • Gets along well with young people
    • May be rebellious
    • Indulges desires
    • Full of energy
    • Makes many friends
    • Straightforward, with nothing to hide
    • Forgives and forgets
    • Generous
    • Stands firmly for beliefs, with no room for negotiation
    • Does not waste time worrying
    • Humour and sociability attract potential romantic partners
    • Passionate, but not extremely tender or considerate
    • Prefers a laid back approach to relationships, hating to be confined to one particular person

    Outlook:Remember to set high goals for yourself. Persevere and these can be achieved.

    Lucky Numbers: 8, 2
    Lucky Directions: SW, NE
    Lucky Colours: Brown, Yellow
    Lucky Love Matches: Tiger, Dog
    Your Mandarin Match: Spicy Chicken, Mandarin Shrimp Roll
    Beverage Match: Grand Cosmopolitan


    1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

    • Peaceful, tame, tolerant, strong vitality
    • Seems to be headstrong, but in reality, mulls over every detail
    • Strong power of perception
    • Gives without desire for recognition or payback, not materialistic
    • Wants everyone to be comfortable
    • Strong sense of responsibility, strong work ethic
    • Dislikes stressful, all-consuming careers
    • In the hardest situations, ram brings comfort
    • Delicate feelings, easily touched
    • Considerate of others’ feelings and needs
    • Not overly emotional, perhaps because any emotions that come are so intense
    • Feelings are fragile, so ram is timid in love, never showing romantic feelings before the other person
    • Needs confidence instilled on a regular basis
    • Doesn’t play games – Faithful, with a strong sense of responsibility and care
    • Would rather cry than retaliate, when heartbroken

    Outlook: Trust your intuition; it will lead to reflection and personal growth.

    Lucky Numbers: 3, 9
    Lucky Directions: E, SE
    Lucky Colours: Green, Red
    Lucky Love Matches: Rabbit, Pig
    Your Mandarin Match: Mandarin Combination Foo Yong, Chicken Noodle Soup
    Beverage Match: Steam Whistle Beer



    1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

    • Smart, lots of ideas and ability to inspire new ideas from others
    • Full of curiosity, eager to meet new people and learn new things
    • Good at handling emergency situations
    • Quick wit, clever
    • Excellent memory
    • Analyzes information, searching how to solve problems or make improvements
    • Avoids being slowed down by lack of knowledge or lack of effort, and expects the same from others
    • Preparation is key for monkey
    • Enjoys a worry-free life
    • Love with monkey will be colourful
    • Knows how to cater to a romantic partner’s personality
    • Considerate and thoughtful
    • Realistic – sweet words are ineffective

    Outlook: Look forward to some pleasant surprises. Thank those who give them to you.

    Lucky Numbers: 1,8
    Lucky Directions: N, NW
    Lucky Colours: White, Gold
    Lucky Love Matches: Rat, Dragon
    Your Mandarin Match: Shanghai Noodles, Mango Pudding
    Beverage Match: Golden Monkey



    1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

    • Daring, unique, likes to do things differently
    • Enjoys the limelight, praise
    • Confident
    • Serious, motivated
    • Sensitive to everything around
    • Makes friends everywhere
    • Eloquent, amusing
    • Good at networking, building rapport
    • Finger on the pulse of current events
    • Absorbs information about others, highly inquisitive
    • Tends to compare self with others
    • Possesses vision, can assess prospects for future developments
    • Quick-witted, impatient with sluggishness
    • Enjoys being in love, tends to fall quickly in love

    Outlook: Continue to maintain your spirit. Expect steady growth towards your goals.

    Lucky Numbers: 7, 5
    Lucky Directions: W, SW
    Lucky Colours: Gold, Brown
    Lucky Love Matches: Snake, Ox
    Your Mandarin Match: Scallops with Sautéed Beef , Honey Twist
    Beverage Match: Red Rooster




    1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

    • Plays by the rules, calm, loyal, protective
    • Guided by routine, rules
    • Afraid of difficulties and failure, but is still ambitious and motivated
    • Analyzes relationships, and then decides to what extent others deserve his dedication
    • Strong, yet soft and warm nature allows dog to help others effectively and often
    • Easily touched by kind treatment from others
    • Expressing love is difficult, as love cannot be regulated as dog would wish – Shows love by protecting loved one instead
    • Bravely protects those he loves or respects, to the point of self-sacrifice
    • Extremely loyal

    Outlook: Powerful friends may help your career. Some may be long-time friends, others are new.

    Lucky Numbers: 3, 4
    Lucky Directions: E, SE
    Lucky Colours: Green, Red
    Lucky Love Matches: Tiger, Horse
    Your Mandarin Match: Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls, Potato Salad
    Beverage Match: Chihuahua

    07-09-24 08:56
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