The Wulinyuan Scenic Area is located in the northwest of Hunan Province, it is a 500 square kilometers large park consisting of Zhangjiajie Forest Park (Zhangjiajie City), Suoxi Valley Natural Reserve (Cili County) and Mountain Tianzi Natural Reserve (Sangzhi County). And now a new member, the Yangjiajie, has caught people's eyes. This area was a reserved pearl which remained virginal until the early of 80th. Here the biggest attraction is the sand rock steep peaks, which are vividly meeting together with different postures. In the quiet valleys, the rocky peaks, the cliffs, the rare and old trees, and also the mist provided a perfect stage for the bird to sing, for the waterfall to demonstrate their force, for the unusual wildlives to play around. People walking in it will find himself to be laid in a natural artistic corridor which is so amazing and harmonious. |