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The Sight of Rhesus Monkeys

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photo of The Sight of Rhesus Monkeys
Photo By: Tom
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The temperate climate and dense forests of the Fenglin Canyon provide a good natural site for rhesus monkeys, who mainly feed on yangtao, lily and other wild plants on the mountain. They often live on high and steep cliffs and mountains on both sides of the Jade Lake. Energetic and playful, they like to jump and climb up the trees. It is estimated that there are six large monkey groups here, amounting to over 800 in number altogether. They make up a large rhesus monkey tribe in northern China, forming an indispensable part of the Taihang Rhesus Monkey Natural Protection Zone. Taking a boat on the lake, if lucky enough, you may see them among the thick forests, sometimes climbing up the high cliffs, and sometimes getting down to drink water in the lake or even playing with each other; also, the sounds of their calls may bring you into some visionary, mysterious, remote, primitive and natural world.

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The Big Dam Sight

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photo of The Big Dam Sight
Photo By: Tom
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The Big Dam over the Jade Lake is narrowly set in the canyon. It divides the Sand River into two parts, with one of them forming a man-made lake. The dam is 100.5 meters high and 130 wide; the bottom is 52 meters wide while the top is 4.5 meters in width. It is considered as “No. 1 Dam in the world” because it is the highest arch dam made of stones. The arch shape design is not only pleasing to the eyes but also enhances its stability. Resting across the lake like a huge dragon, it ranks among the top few dams in the world. With an area of 165 square kilometers in total and reservoir volume of 20 million cubic meters, it is not only an unusual great construction in Chinese architecture but also a significant achievement made by Jiaozuo people.

In the middle of its top, there are seven curvy weirs, each being eight meters wide. Over the weirs, there is an arch truss bridge, the lower reaches of which lie eight huge Chinese characters, meaning to describe the magnificence of the great dam as well as the beauty of the surrounding mountains and rivers. Each of them is three cubic meters in size, conspicuous and dazzling. Moreover, there is also the spectacular waterfall sight, formed by the overflowing flood during the rainy reasons. The waterfall dashes to the 100-meter-deep canyon like a silver flash of light, hitting the rocks violently and stirring thousands of water drops which shine brilliantly in the sun. The scenery looks like a colorful rainbow, marvelous and splendid.

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The Hump Peak

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The mountain gets its name for its shape, which looks like a hump of a sitting camel. Its peak is 300 meters higher than the Tianwang Peak, which is located only 750 meters away to its west. To the southwest of the Hump Peak it is spacious with small paths shaded by dense forests and cypresses; moreover, there are a few plots of farmland and grassland, making it a good place for entertainment. One can either overlook the whole Jade Lake, as pure as a jade necklace set among the mountains, or look far into the distance, marveling at the grand Mountain Taihang. At dusk, one can also enjoy the gorgeous sunset view on Mountain Taihang.

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Moonlight Scenery of the Three Pools

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Located at different levels with a height difference of eight meters between each, the Three Pools are ladder-shaped like the number “7”. The pools are especially celebrated for its charming moonlight scenery, which is formed by the graceful images of the pools mirrored by the moonlight at night. Between each of the two pools, there are many waterfalls which flow into together and look like long curtains or lines of thread. The water in the pools flows quietly throughout the year. In the surroundings, there are mountains, grasslands and dense forests, which make the place cool and quiet. It is also regarded as one of the special wonders in the area of Mountain Taihang.

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Laojun Island

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Two kilometers from the upper reaches of the big dam, there is an open wide space surrounded by mountains. On its west, there is a small piece of land called “Laojun Island”, where “Li Laojun (also Laozi) was said to have practiced Taoism. Over one of the hills on the island stands the old site of “Lao Jun Temple”. On the northwest of the island just opposite to the temple, there is another small hill-shaped island called the Immortal's Island, on which dense shrubs and green cypresses flourish. On the east river bank near the small island, there is narrow canyon called Laojun Canyon. In the middle of a cliff on the south of the canyon, there is big cave just opposite to the Immortal's Island. It measures 7 meters in height and called the Eight Trigrams Cave. The sceneries here are especially attractive. The lake here winds like a curvy line surrounded by shades. Boating on the water, you can appreciate the beautiful mountain images mirroring in the lake, feeling mysterious and quiet; especially in spring when the flowers blossom, you feel like being in the Land of Peach Blossoms, so peaceful, quiet and relaxing.

Edit by: Tom
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