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0n May 15, 1949, Shihuang County was liberated by the CPLA. Later, Office of Shihuiyao Industry Special Zone and the People's Government of Daye Industry & Mining Special Zone, Hubei were set up and Huangshi City was founded on their foundations. On January 26, 1959, Daye County was incorporated into Huangshi City from Huanggang City.

Daye County was first founded before the 5th year of Qiande Period of the Song Dynasty (967 A.D.). It was named Qingshan Yard for its abundant mineral resources and developed smelting industry when Li Yu was the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty. And it was incorporated with three towns of Wuchang into a new county named Daye County for the meaning of “going in for melting in a big way” since the Shang Dynasty.

The city (Huangshi City today) was under the jurisdiction of Er'miao in Tangyu Period.

The city was under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou in the Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty.

The city was named as E, the manor of E Vassal.

In the 7th year of Zhou Yiwang Period (887 B.C.), Xiong Qu (a viscount), the King of Chu, seized the areas from Yangyue to E (E'zhou and Daye today), conferring his second son as King E, and the city became under the rule of King E of the Chu Kingdom. The city was under the rule of Chu and Qin in Spring & Autumn and Warring States Periods.

In the 29th year of Zhao Xiangwang Period of the Qin Dynasty (278 B.C.), the East to Southern Prefecture Jingling and South of the Yangtze River was set up as Jiangxia Prefecture, and E County was incorporated into Jiangxia Prefecture from then on, which ruled over 14 counties like E, Xiazhi, and the city was in the E County.

In the 1st year of Zhangwu Period of the Kingdom of Shu Han or the 2nd year of Wei Huang Period (211 A.D.) during the period of Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan shifted his capital from Gong'an to E (E'zhou today), and renamed it as Wuchang. He divided Najian Yangxin County and combined six counties, i.e. Wuchang, Xiazhi, Yangxin, Caisang, Shaxian and Xunyang into Wuchang Prefecture, and the city was in Xiazhi County between Wuchang County (E'zhou today) and Yangxin County of Wuchang Prefecture.

In the 4th year of Weihuang Period (223 A.D.), Sun Quan transfered his prefecture to Xiakou (Hankou today) and renamed Wuchang Prefecture as Jiangxia Prefecture. The city was in Wuchang County and Yangxin County of Jiangxia Prefecture.

In the 1st year of Taikang Period of the Western Jin Dynasty (280 A.D.), Jiangxia Prefecture was renamed as Wuchang Prefecture, including seven counties, i.e. Wuchang, Caisang, E County, Yangxin, Shaxian, Shayang and Gaoling. The city was in three counties, i.e. Wuchang, E County and Yangxin. After a short period, Wuchang and E County were combined as Wuchang County, thus the city was in Wuchang County and Yangxin County.
In the first year of Emperor Yuan's Jianwu Period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 A.D.), Jiangzhou was separated from Yuzhou and combined with Wuchang, and was incorporate into Xunyang in the 9th year of Xiaowu Emperor's Taiyuan Period (384 A.D.). In the 8th year of An Emperor's Yixi Period (412 A.D.), Xiazhi County was incorporated into Yangxin County. Thus the city was in Wuchang County and Yangxin County.

In the first year of Xiaojian Period of the Southern Dynasty Song Kingdom(589 A.D.), Yangxin was renamed as Fuchuan, and as Yongxin soon. Thus the city was in Wuchang County and Yongxing County, where Xiling County was set up by Liang Kingdom but abolished later. The city was in E'zhou (Wuchang County) and Yongxing County in the Tang Dynasty.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, nine kingdoms were springing up and it was in Wu Kingdom. In the 2nd year of Emperor Ai's Tianyou Period of the Tang Dyasty (905 A.D.), Yangxing, King Wu, separated an area from Yongxing County and Wuchang County as Qingshan Yard for large-scale mining and melting. Then the city was in E'zhou of Wu Kingdom.

The city was in E'zhou (Wuchang County) and Yongxing County during the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and was under the rule of Wu, Jin, and Han of Liang and Tang Dynasties and under the rule of Southern Tang in the earlier period of Later Zhou Dynasty and Northern Song Dynasty.

In the 5th year of Qiande Period of the Song Dynasty (967 A.D.), Daye County was founded by Southern Tang Dynasty. From then on, the city was under the jurisdiction of Xingguo Road, Xingguo Administrative Division, Wuchang Mansion and Daye County of Hubei Province from the Song Dynasty to the Republic of China.

In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), Daye County was a part of Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Revolutionary Base Area under the leadership of CPC. Daye County was founded in 1930 and was under the jurisdiction of Hubei Eastern E Revolutionary Committee, Eastern E Office of Soviet Government, and Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Southeastern E Soviet Government successively. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), the Republic Government set up administrative supervision commissioners' offices of Hubei Province across the Province and counties. The city was under the jurisdiction of Daye County, the second commissioner's office of Hubei and then under the rule of the first commissioner's office in 1938.

After the fall of Daye in the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Japanese Army founded puppet regime in Daye named as “Hubei Daye Government of the Republic of China” and set up “Shihuang Demonstration Plot” in Shihuiyao Town and Huangshigang Town. But the Daye Government of Kuomintang was forced to move to Maopu. In the 31st year of Republic of China (1942), the 14th Brigade, Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army under the leadership of CPC set up Da'e Council, E'da Council and Yangda Council in Daye, Yanggxin and E'cheng successively under the unified leadership of Southern E Council. On August 15 of the 34th year of Republic of China (1945), Japan announced their surrender. The Daye Government of Kuomintang took over Daye and reset up Shihuiyao Town and Huangshigang Town under the jurisdiction of Daye County. In the 37th year of Republic of China (1948), Shihuiyao Town and Huangshigang Town were combined into Shihuang Town under the jurisdiction of Daye County.

On May 1st, 1949, Shihuang Town was liberated by CPLA. Soon, Hubei Daye Special Zone Office under the direct governance of Central Plains Provisional People's Government was set up subject to its approval. In October 1949, People's Government of Daye Industry & Mining Special Zone, Hubei was founded. And on August 21st, 1950, Huangshi City under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province was founded.

Edit by: Joanna
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