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    Memorial Hall of Wuchang Uprising in 1911 Revolution is situated at the north end of the parade ground, Wuchang district.
    It covers a total area of 28 mu, of which the building area is over 6000 square meters. The main building is a red two-storied one, so it is also called “Red Chamber”, which is the state level key historical relics protection unit.
    It was first constructed in 1909, the first year of Emperor Xuantong's reign in the Qing Dynasty. Subsequent to the 1911 Revolution, it was the location where the revolutionary army government was seated and where the Republic of China was founded. With two storeys, it is a brick-timber structure, with walls decorated with all kinds of fine designs. A church-style belvedere stands at the top of the building, demonstrating the style of classical architectures in West Europe.
    In front of the building stand the statue of Sun Yat-sen, the great forerunner of Chinese democratic revolution, and the statues of three martyrs surnamed Peng, Liu and Yang, who sacrificed their lives for the Revolution of 1911, as well as the Mustering Platform, set for resisting the army of the Qing Dynasty. The Revolution of 1911 in Wuchang remains resplendent forever.

Edit by: ch
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