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photo of Secluded Pavilion of Phoenix Tree and Bamboo
Photo By: ch
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    It is a unique pavilion that has four moon gates on all four sides, providing frames fro the exquisite scenery. Hung inside the pavilion is a pair of couplets and a wooden tablet. Shown on the tablet are four characters written by Wen Zhengming for the name of the pavilion. The pair of couplets consists of fourteen characters which read:“Gentle breeze brings refreshing cool, and moonlight fantasy keen; Flowing water expresses movement, and mountains solitude serene.”
    Look out over the northern side. Through the moon gate traveler see two phoenix trees growing by bamboo groves. Phoenix tree is the popular name for the Chinese parasol tree.
    The tree's round seeds, as tiny as soy beans, mature in late September or early October when a few leaves of the tree begin to fall. In china an old saying goes, “One leaf knows autumn.” That means “One leaf falling, one knows that autumn comes.”

Edit by: ch
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