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Yingxian Wooden Tower, also named Sakyamuni Tower, located inside Fogong Temple in Yingxian, Shuozhou City. As the temple has been destroyed, there is only the tower left.

Yingxian Wooden Tower is the tallest and most ancient existing wooden tower in China, which was built in the Liao Dynasty. It is 67.13 meters high and has nines storeys. As four storeys are hidden inside it, so tourists can only see the tower with five storeys outside. Except for the stones at the base of the tower, it was built with wood solely. Whether in terms of construction scale or construction art, Sakyamuni Tower holds a peculiar position, and is a treasure among the ancient architectures in China and even in the whole world. It is a key cultural relics unit under state protection.

Edit by: Dorothy
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