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CAVE 11 (470-493 A.D.)

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In the centre of this cave stands a square pagoda pillar with niches and statues on each of the four sides of both upper and lower sections. Apart from the image of maitreya in the upper niche on the south side, the others are all the statues of standing Sakyamuni judging by their style. The two bodhisattvas on both sides of the standing Buddha in the lower niches on the south side of the pagoda seem to be made in the Liao Dynasty. The upper section of the east wall bears an inscription dated from the 7th year of Taihe of the Northern Wei Dynasty (483 A.D.).

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 12 (470-493 A.D.)

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This cave is devided into the front and back chambers. The outer wall surface of the front chamber is carved with wood-imitated roofs and eaves as well as four columns. Thus resembling a three-room hall. On the walls of the front chamber are carved various niches and buddhas. Its ceiling is decorated with caisson design. The top part of the north wall is decorated with a carved band of celestial musicians. And on the east ,south and west sides, there are eight images of yaksha, holding konghou, pipa and other musical instruments.

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 8 (470-493 A.D.)

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The design and form of this cave are similar to those of cave 7. The celestial gardians are carved on the two reveals of the entrance. The east one is a statue of siva (mahesvara) riding on a white bull, which has three heads and eight arms holding the sun, the moom, bows & arrows as well as grapes. The west one is a statue of Vishnu in appearance of a boy (Kumarkadeva) riding on a peacock with his hands holding chicken. Both statues are very skillfully shaped and engraved.

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 9 (470-493 A.D.)

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This cave forms a pair with cave 10, and also consists of the front and back chambers. On the south wall of the front chamber are carved Octagonal pillars. On the east and west walls of the front chamber of cave 9 are niches carved in the form of three-roomed house. The ceiling of the cave is decorated with flying celestials and lotus blossom. The main statue on the north wall in the back chamber is Sakyamuni Buddha and bodhisattvas are sculpted on the east and west sides. On the other walls are carved niches depicting the Jataka stories about the principal and subsidiary causes.

Edit by: Dorothy

CAVE 6 (470-493 A.D.)

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In the centre of the back chamber stands a square pillar in the shape of a two-storeyed pagoda, which reaches up to the ceiling. At each corner of its top storey is a carved little pagoda. Niches are cut on the four sides of each storey to house statues. On both side of the niches and on the lower section of the pillar, on the east , south and west walls, as well as on the two reveals of the window are 33 reliefs depicting stories of Sakyamuny's life from his birth to his enlightenment.

Edit by: Dorothy
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