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The Xi'niu Lake

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With the altitude is 2,315m, the average depth is 12m, the length is 2km and the area is 200,000 sq. m., the Xi'niu (Rhinoceros) Lake is the second largest lake in Jiuzhaigou, next to the Chang (Long) Lake, and the one of the most changeable color scenes. It is affectionately called the Crown of All Lakes. In early morning, inverted reflections in water seem partly real and partly illusionary, when one is unable to tell the sky from water. Around the lakesides grow dense trees and grasses. In spring and summer, everything is green, being followed by lull autumn scenery where red leaves and green woods reflected their inverted images in water. In particular, tourists find themselves so indulged in the vast stretch of the fascinating blue lake water that they often forget moving ahead. Here is also a much desired place for photos rap hers and painters.

Edit by: Dorothy

The Shuanglong Lake

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With the altitude is 2,178m, the depth is 4m and the area is 6,033 sq. m., the Shuanglong (Double-Dragon) Lake is noted for its transparent and glittering water and two travertine dike bells that look like two dragons ready lo jump and fly into the sky.

Edit by: Dorothy

The Shuzheng Lake Cluster

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Stretching for several miles, with a drop of about 100 meters, it has 19 lakes of varied sizes, descending in a manner of terraces. Among these lakes growdense groves of willows, poplars, pines, spruces and other arbors and shrubs. Water climbs over dikes and runs through groves' stems, formulating a wide and slow waterfall, as a poem has it, “Groves grow in water which runs through the stems.” High and low levels of the lake cluster are clearly marked, featuring gorgeous colors, verdant woods, dark-blue lake water, overlapped splashes of waterfalls. This wonderful scenery is highly recommended as to be the “epitome of Jiuzhaigou”. Overlooking at Shuzheng Lake, you will find the scenery even more enchanting.

Edit by: Dorothy

The Wolong Lake

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The small and exquisite Wolong (Lying Dragon) Lake is typical of jiuzhaigou's blue lakes. Its altitude is 2,215m, the depth is 22m and the area is 61,000 sq. m. Like a flat and limpid sapphire, its tranquil auspicious water is much applauded by domestic and foreign tourists alike.

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The Penjing Beach

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The Penjing (Bonsai) Beach is a travertine beach with its altitude is  2,140m. It is beyond the Heye Village, on which slow water blankets sweep through weeds, poplar, azaleas, pines, cypresses, willows and other shrubs. Glittering water runs through woods that stand in varied poses, as if the mountain god has placed a wonderful bonsai collection that excels the best of human ail works.

Edit by: Dorothy
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