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The Chang Lake

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With the altitude is 3,060m, the length is 5km, the width is 600m and the area is 93,000 sq. m., the Chang (Long) Lake is located on the end of Zechawa Gully. It is in a U-shape and over 100 meters deep, of the highest altitude and widest surface of all Jiuzhaigou lakes. Its water appears ink blue, and peaks are snow-clad all the year around. Surrounded by verdant forests, it collects thawed water from high mountains. Hereby, people of Jiuzhaigou call it a “lake that forever takes in water”. Standing on the highway, you will have a good overlook of the lake. Here are ancient trees in complete tranquility. In winter, ice is as thick as 60cm, making the lake a good skiing ground.

Edit by: Dorothy

The Wucai Pond

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Of all the jiuzhaigou lakes, the Wucai (Five-Colored) Pond is small but most graceful, noted for its bright and distinct colors. Cobbles on the bottom shape in prisms of clearly visible chromatism between texture and water plants. Under the shining sun, the water forever appears dark blue, glittering and verdant.

Legend has it that the pond was where Goddess semo washed and combed her hair snd God Dage came everyday to bring her water. After a considerable period of time, 189 stone steps were formed because they were coming up and going down, and, Semo's rouge came off from her pretty face and colorized this pond. People in love believe that, if they walk down the steps to the side of the pond and make a vow to Heaven, and then walk up along the 189 steps back, they will certainly lead a happy married life.

Edit by: Dorothy

Jiuzi Tongxin Rock

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Tourists will get marveled at trees that grow in water here in Jiuzhaigou, but it is more unusual to see 9 trees grow on this giant rock of several dozen tons——fir, spruce, birch, cypress. As long roots twist around the rock, the sight is called Jiuzi (9 trees) Tongxin (on one center) Rock.

Edit by: Dorothy

Seasonal Lakes

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There are three seasonal lakes in Zechawa Gully, each being far away from another, with distinctive features. The upper seasonal lake is close to Zechawa Village, with a stretch of birches, wild strawberries, grass and fungi. In autumn, birch leaves turn from green to yellow, bathing in golden sunrays. Autumn winds sweep by, gently waving fruitful leaves. The mid-seasonal lake sits on the middle of Zechawa Valley, surrounded by dense forests. Here, pines and vines are dancing on soft lichens, playing a pool of sapphire-blue water. The upper-seasonal lake neighbors the Wucai (Five-Colored) Pond, with steep cliffs around. This is said to be the place where fierce dragons hide themselves, which is also called the “Tibetan Dragon Lake”. In dry-water season, a Class-I UN-Protected plant, “Ruswich” grows on the lakebed.

Edit by: Dorothy

Dubi Laoren Cypress

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On the side of the Chang Lake, there is a peculiar cypress: one side full of leaves, and the other cut out, which looks like a single-armed old man. Hence the name “Dubi (Single-Armed) Laoren (Old Man) Cypress”. According lo local tales, Jiuzhaigou was once ruled by a demon under his reign folks led a miserable and hard life. Not long after, there came a brave old hunter who launched a war. single-handed, against the demon who was eventually driven away. But, the old man lost one arm. To prevent the demon from coming back, he held his sword, standing on the bank of the Chang Lake and keeping guard of Jiuzhaigou.

Edit by: Dorothy
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