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Yu Quyuan Memorial

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photo of Yu Quyuan Memorial
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Yu Building stands on the south side of Solitary Hill. Near the Liuyi Spring, the building and the garden is the former residence of Yu Yue, a great master scholar in Qing Dynasty.

The garden used to be a prototype of Chinese traditional gardening art.

There used to be rockworks imitating craggy peaks, a pavilion connected with verandas, a tiny pond crystal clear, and dotted with many flowers and trees. The garden used to be known for its quietness and elegance as an academic institution.

Yu Yue (1821-1907), alias Yu Quyuan in the literature world, was born in Deqing County of Zhejiang Province. In 1877 when Yu was serving as the master teacher at Solitary Academy for the 10th year, his students raised funds to build their teacher a house. With a generous donation from Peng Yuling, an old friend of Yu Yue, the Yu Building was finished in 1879.

Yu Yue wrote a couplet in memory of this event. “The eminent people and scholars have this house built for me, I don't have to wait 500 years; this house is near the hill and at the bank of West Lake, and it happened to be near the Liuyi Spring. How wonderful!”

Yu Pingbo, a great-grandson of Yu Quyuan was also a writer. The night of June 18th on West Lake, his famous prose, described his experiences at Yu Building. The Yu Building was rebuilt in 1998 and named as Yu Quyuan Memorial.

Yu Quyuan Memorial has plentiful written materials, pictures and material objects on display, depicting the whole life experience of Yu Yue, his academic achievements and cultural heritages and influences, and his contributions to West Lake.

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Yue Fei's Temple

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photo of Yue Fei
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Yue Fei's Tomb is situated at the southern foot of Qixia Hill. This tomb was built to commemorate Yu Fei who is a famous general in Southern Song and an outstanding national hero of China. In 1961, the State Council declared it as a major national protected monument.

Facing the lake with hills behind, Yue Fei's Temple looks towering and lofty. It is made up of three parts including the tomb grounds, Loyalty Garden and Devotion Garden. Yue Fei's statue in martial attire locates in the middle of Loyalty Garden. A plaque inscribed in “Recover Our Lost Territories” is hanged. The Devotion Garden used to be dedicated to Yue Fei's parents, wife and sons, now it serves as Yue Fei's memorial hall. Yue Fei's tomb grounds situates on the left side of Loyalty Garden. The tomb is built with rocks in a round shape. Beside it, there is the tomb of his son, Yue Yun. On the screen wall of the tomb grounds, four huge Chinese characters are carved: “Be Loyal to the Motherland” which is Yue Fei's life time motto. On both sides of the path leading to the tomb, there are stone horses, stone tigers, stone sheep and stone figures dating from the Ming Dynasty. Blow the stages of the path, there are four cast iron statues of the traitors: Qin Hui, the Prime Minster of Southern Song; Wang Shi, his wife; Moqi Xie, a court official and Zhang Jun, a general. All these four statues kneel down in pairs with their hands tied behind their back. A carving couplet is on the gate: “The green hill is fortunate to be the burial ground of a loyal general, the white iron was innocent to be cast into the statues of traitors.” In the southern and northern tablet corridors of the courtyard, there are 127 carving or steles including some poems by prominent personages throughout history to express their respect for the national hero and some Yu Fei's calligraphy.

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Zhang Taiyan Memorial

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photo of Zhang Taiyan Memorial
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On the south bank of West Lake, beside the great mountain in the deep of forest, at the east side of Zhang Cangshui's tomb, sleeps Zhang Taiyan, a revolutionary hero of China Democratic Revolution in modern times and a great scholar of Chinese culture.

Zhang Taiyan (1869-1036) was born in Yuhang, Zhejiang Province. His teacher was Yu Yue (Quyuan), and he once was the teacher of Lu Xun, one of the greatest literary men in 20th century China.

Zhang's knowledge was encyclopedic. In the beginning of the 20th century when China was undergoing a fierce revolution, Zhang clearly understood the chaos of the times and grasped the historical trend. He worked hard to overthrow the rule of Qing Government.

Zhang Taiyan fiercely condemned the royalist ideas championed by Kang Youwei, and fiercely decried against the autocratic monarchy of Yuan Shikai. In his old age, Zhang loudly called the public for standing up to oppose Japan's aggression.

Mr. Zhang Taiyan highly admired Zhang Cangshui, a national scholar-hero against the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Taiyan once remarked, “I can't have the same birthday with Zhang Cangshui, I hope I can be his neighbor after my death.”

Zhang's dream came true after his death. He is now the neighbor of Hero Zhang Cangshui. In 1988, the Zhang Taiyan Memorial was built in front of Zhang Taiyan's tomb.

Zhang Taiyan Memorial is in the style of the folk architectural style at the south of the Yangtze River. The memorial has spacious and gracious rooms and surrounded by flowers and trees. The exhibits on display show all grave contents and in unique styles. The memorial boasts of more than 1,000 precious historical relics and over 2,000 materials and photos. The Zhang Taiyan Memorial has the largest collection of Zhang Taiyan's mementos and materials in China.

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