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photo of Jiuziyan Rock Showplace
Photo By: ch
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    It is situated at the back of Mountain Jiuhua. There are about 10 temples, either big or small. Shuangxi Temple is surrounded by water and mountains. Two limpid streams flow by straight stream surges out of the mountain from the cloud, with roars fo thunder. There is a waterfall dropping down from the two-hundred-meter trapezium cliff at the mouth of the stream. The stream flows through seven places, which is like seven silk fabrics fluttering in the sky. Walking along the flagged road from the mouth of the stream. One can see the fighting-fowl stone, three-axes stone, trunk stone, “tortoise and rabbit's race” and many other interesting stones in front. The monkey groups often appear in the cave or on the precipice in this area. To the Jiuzi Temple at the top of the mountain, the Tang Dynasty's foldded-stone old tower stands firmly at the gate of the mountain. A crystalline stream flaws by the temple. Bamboo and trees have grown flourishingly. At the back of the temple, Jiuziyan Rock holds a huge stone, twist together, like the gathering of nine sons. At the northeast of the stone is the mouth of the valley of the basin, where springs converge and flow down. The springs beat the precipice. This forms the famous senery of “Jiu Zi Spring Sound”.

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