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photo of Thousand Workman Stones
Photo By: ch
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    This is the key landscape of Huqiu. It is said when He Lv, the king of Wu Kingdom died, his son Fu Chai, notorious one in historic books buried his father on Huqiu. Avoiding tomb was robbed by the workmen some day?he pretended to invite all workmen building tomb to have a dinner and watch crane dancing on this stone to celebrate the work finished. After they were drunk in the middle night, he ordered soldiers to kill all of them. Flood flew over everywhere even made this huge stone into red. After that, the stone became redder when it was rainy or cloudy, and seemed to bleed when it was flushed by rainwater, which seemed to tell people that miserable story. Now?here's the red stone as you see. Sure no one would consider the red color is really caused by the workmen’s blood. Actually, this is the acidity rhyolite, whose original color is red. It is amazing that there are two rocks bulged with smooth walls which seem to be cut by knife; however, it is naturally shaped.

Edit by: ch
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