| Chinese Zodiac [edit this] | |

Pig |

Rat |

Ox |

Tiger |

Rabbit |

Dragon |

Snake |

Horse |

Ram |

Monkey |

Rooster |

Dog |
1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
• Mild, introverted
• Sometimes fears others will laugh
• Serious, responsible
• Considers consequences before deciding or acting
• Generous, and often financially successful as well
• Values family and friends
• Unselfishly helps others
• Straightforward, but with a high tolerance
• Likes a noble guide to trust throughout life
• Faithful, sincere, and giving
• Shows true self to everyone
• Puts forth no flattery or fakeness
• Not vulnerable, because pig inspires affection and devotion from others
• Candid way may sometimes affect romantic relationships negatively
Outlook: You will have a harmonious year with luck in career, family and love.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 8
Lucky Directions: SW, NE
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Grey
Lucky Love Matches: Ram, Rabbit
Your Mandarin Match: Shrimp Chow Mein, Garden Salad
Beverage Match: Chocolate Mudslide
1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
• Perceived as well-rounded, popular and neat
• Smart, adaptive, outgoing, optimistic, uncomplaining
• Sharp ability to observe, understand and anticipate
• Good at debating
• Makes the most of his time and knows how to use the talents of others
• Not afraid of change, adapting well to new situations
• Analyzes the cost and benefit before acting
• Aims at expending the least amount of energy and resources to achieve value
• Attracts others by displaying intelligence
• Talent for perceiving the true nature and true feelings of others makes the rat successful romantically
Outlook: This year will be busy; make sure to relax with friends and family.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 3
Lucky Directions: SE, NE
Lucky Colours: Blue, Gold
Lucky Love Matches: Dragon, Monkey
Your Mandarin Match: Mandarin Combination Fried Rice, Egg Drop with Mushroom Soup
Beverage Match: Stinger
1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
• Dilligent, wise, down to earth, stoic
• Likes to think about and plan actions thoroughly, before acting
• Pushes forward according to plans, no matter the difficulty
• Does not “show off” but is still a force to be reckoned with
• Will remember when wronged, but will also make it a priority to pay back a kind deed
• If valued, given responsibility, and supported, ox will strive for greatness
• Prefers practicality to theory
• Pursues safety and stability
• Gentle for the most part, but can erupt with little care for the consequences
• Enjoys a steady and quiet love life
• Thoughtful to loved one, and very faithful
Outlook:Expect to be recognized for your hard work. Donę° be afraid to reap the reward
Lucky Numbers: 9, 1
Lucky Directions: S, SE
Lucky Colours: Blue, Red
Lucky Love Matches: Rooster, Snake
Your Mandarin Match: Barbecued Spareribs, Plain Fried Rice
Beverage Match: Konig Beer
1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
• Loves power
• Brave, relentless, graceful
• Tends to make enemies because tiger is seen as a threat by others, and tiger likes to be blunt with words
• Able to make wishes a reality – eg. Wants to lead, so acts like a leader
• People allied with tiger will be well looked after
• Chooses to work in larger companies, to accommodate high ambitions
• Doesn’t like to have position of power challenged, and will fight to keep status
• Will not complain when frustrated, but instead will make efforts to overcome the difficulty
• Generous with money
• Prefers to hit the town at night, instead of staying at home for a quiet evening
• Tends toward possessiveness and jealousy in relationships
• Faithful
Outlook: Spend time with those around you. Your family life will be stable and happy.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 3
Lucky Directions: S, E
Lucky Colours: Blue, Grey
Lucky Love Matches: Horse, Dog
Your Mandarin Match: Singapore Noodles, Chicken Foo Yong
Beverage Match: Flaming Sambuca
1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
• Loves peace, hates conflict
• Wants to be accepted by others, almost to the point of disregarding own thoughts and feelings
• Avoids expressing beliefs, not wanting to risk criticism
• Eloquence and flexibility make rabbit many friends
• Alert to human behaviour – knows when to proceed and when to withdraw
• Careful to establish own realm to get away from others and relax
• Not susceptible to being taken advantage of, since rabbit knows the nature and motives of others
• Reveals true self only to those most trusted and loved
• Hesitant and shy about matters of the heart
• Finds it hard at times to resist temptations outside a current relationship
• Makes progress steadily in love and work, instead of great strides and long lulls
Outlook:You will have a chance to create partnerships with people outside your circle.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4
Lucky Directions: E, SE
Lucky Colours: Red, Pink
Lucky Love Matches: Ram, Pig
Your Mandarin Match: Sautéed Snow Peas, Baby Corn & Water Chestnuts, Cream Caramel
Beverage Match: Snow Ball
1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
• Unlimited potential
• Tends to be a dreamer, ability to brainstorm is top-notch
• Energetic, wise, smart
• Makes own opinions and conclusions
• Does not pay attention to trivial things
• Tends to be impatient
• Does not hide anything, taking responsibility for actions and facing the consequences
• Loves adventures
• Kind and faithful
• Charm comes from enthusiasm
• Attracts others with talent, career-mindedness
• Marries late, on account of the focus on career
Outlook: Be patient and you will experience a prosperous time for career and marriage.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7
Lucky Directions: W, NW
Lucky Colours: Gold, Silver
Lucky Love Matches: Rat, Monkey
Your Mandarin Match: Hot & Sour Soup, Shrimp with Lobster Sauce
Beverage Match: Mandarin Magic
1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
• Sophisticated, intelligent, rational, fair, independent
• Likes to make detailed plans and work through those plans
• Has an eye for beauty
• Prefers to be in control, working hands-on
• Understands people and rewards them according to their achievement
• Diligent, doesn’t like to give up
• Hates losing grace in front of others
• Doesn’t like asking for help, but is willing to help others
• Isolates self - observes and assesses people over time before trusting others
• Appears cold, but is warm, and has a mysterious charm
• Faithfully protects loved ones
• Charming in romantic relationships, but can also be suspicious
Outlook:There will be many opportunities for both career and romance. Choose wisely.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 8
Lucky Directions: SW, NE
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Red
Lucky Love Matches: Ox, Rooster
Your Mandarin Match: New Zealand Mussels in Black Bean Sauce, Vegetable Mushroom Chow Mein
Beverage Match: Saketini
1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002. 2014
• Independent, open-minded, outgoing
• Doesn’t like being restrained
• Gets along well with young people
• May be rebellious
• Indulges desires
• Full of energy
• Makes many friends
• Straightforward, with nothing to hide
• Forgives and forgets
• Generous
• Stands firmly for beliefs, with no room for negotiation
• Does not waste time worrying
• Humour and sociability attract potential romantic partners
• Passionate, but not extremely tender or considerate
• Prefers a laid back approach to relationships, hating to be confined to one particular person
Outlook:Remember to set high goals for yourself. Persevere and these can be achieved.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 2
Lucky Directions: SW, NE
Lucky Colours: Brown, Yellow
Lucky Love Matches: Tiger, Dog
Your Mandarin Match: Spicy Chicken, Mandarin Shrimp Roll
Beverage Match: Grand Cosmopolitan
1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
• Peaceful, tame, tolerant, strong vitality
• Seems to be headstrong, but in reality, mulls over every detail
• Strong power of perception
• Gives without desire for recognition or payback, not materialistic
• Wants everyone to be comfortable
• Strong sense of responsibility, strong work ethic
• Dislikes stressful, all-consuming careers
• In the hardest situations, ram brings comfort
• Delicate feelings, easily touched
• Considerate of others’ feelings and needs
• Not overly emotional, perhaps because any emotions that come are so intense
• Feelings are fragile, so ram is timid in love, never showing romantic feelings before the other person
• Needs confidence instilled on a regular basis
• Doesn’t play games – Faithful, with a strong sense of responsibility and care
• Would rather cry than retaliate, when heartbroken
Outlook: Trust your intuition; it will lead to reflection and personal growth.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 9
Lucky Directions: E, SE
Lucky Colours: Green, Red
Lucky Love Matches: Rabbit, Pig
Your Mandarin Match: Mandarin Combination Foo Yong, Chicken Noodle Soup
Beverage Match: Steam Whistle Beer
1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
• Smart, lots of ideas and ability to inspire new ideas from others
• Full of curiosity, eager to meet new people and learn new things
• Good at handling emergency situations
• Quick wit, clever
• Excellent memory
• Analyzes information, searching how to solve problems or make improvements
• Avoids being slowed down by lack of knowledge or lack of effort, and expects the same from others
• Preparation is key for monkey
• Enjoys a worry-free life
• Love with monkey will be colourful
• Knows how to cater to a romantic partner’s personality
• Considerate and thoughtful
• Realistic – sweet words are ineffective
Outlook: Look forward to some pleasant surprises. Thank those who give them to you.
Lucky Numbers: 1,8
Lucky Directions: N, NW
Lucky Colours: White, Gold
Lucky Love Matches: Rat, Dragon
Your Mandarin Match: Shanghai Noodles, Mango Pudding
Beverage Match: Golden Monkey
1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
• Daring, unique, likes to do things differently
• Enjoys the limelight, praise
• Confident
• Serious, motivated
• Sensitive to everything around
• Makes friends everywhere
• Eloquent, amusing
• Good at networking, building rapport
• Finger on the pulse of current events
• Absorbs information about others, highly inquisitive
• Tends to compare self with others
• Possesses vision, can assess prospects for future developments
• Quick-witted, impatient with sluggishness
• Enjoys being in love, tends to fall quickly in love
Outlook: Continue to maintain your spirit. Expect steady growth towards your goals.
Lucky Numbers: 7, 5
Lucky Directions: W, SW
Lucky Colours: Gold, Brown
Lucky Love Matches: Snake, Ox
Your Mandarin Match: Scallops with Sautéed Beef , Honey Twist
Beverage Match: Red Rooster
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
• Plays by the rules, calm, loyal, protective
• Guided by routine, rules
• Afraid of difficulties and failure, but is still ambitious and motivated
• Analyzes relationships, and then decides to what extent others deserve his dedication
• Strong, yet soft and warm nature allows dog to help others effectively and often
• Easily touched by kind treatment from others
• Expressing love is difficult, as love cannot be regulated as dog would wish – Shows love by protecting loved one instead
• Bravely protects those he loves or respects, to the point of self-sacrifice
• Extremely loyal
Outlook: Powerful friends may help your career. Some may be long-time friends, others are new.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4
Lucky Directions: E, SE
Lucky Colours: Green, Red
Lucky Love Matches: Tiger, Horse
Your Mandarin Match: Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls, Potato Salad
Beverage Match: Chihuahua
| Edit by: Vincent | |
| Palace Architectures [edit this] | | Beijing used to be the capital city for five dynasty. During over 800 years starting from the Jin Dynasty(1115-1234 A. D), a large number of majestic and magnificent palace architectures had been constructed, which has made Beijing a city with the most imperial palaces, gardens, temples, altars and mausoleums and a city with the richest connotation in the country. | Edit by: ch | |
| Cultural Street of Colored Glaze Factory [edit this] | | The Cultural Street of Colored Glaze Factory, originally known as “Changdian”, is a traditional cultural street that attracts thousands of customers both from home and abroad to come either for visit or purchase. Nearly 100 stores line up along the street, and sell delicate and fine commodities, for example, antique and modern calligraphies and paintings of Rongbaozhai and Baoguzhai, metal and stone potteries of Yunguzhai and Cuizhenzhai, four items of traditional Chinese stationery of Laixunge and Yidezhai, various items of jewelries of Zhenhuange and Zhenyunge, musical instruments of Yuehaixuan and Guyizhai, rubbings from stone inscriptions of all times of Guanfuzhai and Qingyuntang, imitated cultural relics of Jiguzhai and Wenyuzhai, antique brocade boxes and books of Ruichenzhai and Suiyazhai, gauze lanterns and palace lanterns of Wenshengzhai, carpets and tapestries of Jinchang Store, etc. | Edit by: ch | |
| Peking Opera [edit this] | | Peking Opera, the national quintessence of China, is very popular among the general public of Beijing. The origin of Peking Opera can be traced to several ancient local operas. In 1790, the four local theatrical troupes of Anhui Province, namely Sanqing, Sixi, Chungong and Hechun, came to Beijing to show their skills one after another, which scored a smash. From then on the Anhui troupes often co-performed with the actors of Han Melody from Hubei Province, and they brought about a new kind of opera that was based on the “Erhuang” of Anhui Melody and “Xipi” of Han Melody and integrated the essence of other folk operas such as Kunqu, Qinqiang and Bangzi. That was the prototype of Peking Opera. During the 200-year evolution, Peking Opera had been gradually localized in Beijing in terms of its libretto, spoken parts and rhymes. It has also combined the different traits of several nationalities by employing musical instruments like “Erhu” and “Jinghu”. All these have helped make Peking Opera a mature form of art. Peking Opera incorporates singing, dancing, martial art, melody, painting and literature into a whole, which is somewhat like the westerners use the words Peking Opera when referring to it. Besides Peking Opera, there are other national legacies of Beijing such as Shuanghuang, Cross alk, Storytelling.
Acrobatics, and Beijing-style Flower Drum. | Edit by: ch | |