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Tiantangzhai hanging pot

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In Tiantangzhai, farmers in the corner of the house, digging a 50-70 cm in diameter, 30cm deep about the fire cages, hanging on a wooden beam in his house is a slide ? bar hanging Iron Pot (or pot), free movements in the fire cage hanging pot. Generally do not have the spring and summer, winter cage wood fire, family or guests sitting around Manufacture Xiankan. Usually hanging pot up the water, users should cook meals several kinds of vegetables into the pot and add Recai eat, drink small hanging wine. Generally do not have a table, chopsticks to eat the right hand, left center up bowls only trapped between his index finger pointed at the wine glass. We should adhere to established chopsticks inserted vinegar, vegetable to be safe, otherwise, a hanging pot to swing into the front fed sandwiches, vegetables is not only not safe, if the belts a little fast and sap the opposite. This custom has spread.

Edit by: Dorothy

Tiantangzhai small hanging wine

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In Tiantangzhai many farmers hoist their own small brewing liquor. After the harvest, farmers purchased starter, rice or rice and boil water,3-5 days after fermentation blended starter (as the temperature may be), using a heat press the wine, liquor. This wine is quite low (generally 22-30 degrees) taste good, but great stamina. Since led many farmers to stay drinking and courteous, there are a few gifts for relatives.

Edit by: Dorothy

Tofu rubber powder

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Paradise Pickles

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Tiantangzhai Natural pickles, the “red ball” chili peppers and wild ginger, wild lotus, Osmunda cinnamomea. 20 kinds of wild mountains and wild bamboo and other organic vegetable moss batteries, Tiantangzhai go rock springs, pickled vegetables, edible salt as raw materials. Process with the traditional manual processing, without any additives, preservatives, genuine, Blended slightly spicy, extra flavor crisp texture. Natural pickles, liking longevity, pretty tasty forgotten.

Edit by: Dorothy

Red lanterns pickled pepper

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Red lanterns pickled pepper is one of the three treasures in Tiantangzhai. Its oval shape and the color red, just like the performance of the “Red Lantern” named for the “red lanterns”. Band spicy sweet flavor and thinner skins thick meat, cold appetizer line few days. During the autumn, removal of the local pepper farmers, as a slight drying in the sun that local access to cooler water, salt moderate increase in uniform. Pepper which will be placed for loving, for more than a month, will be consumed. The foam can be cold and hot peppers can burn tofu inspired many ways.

Edit by: Dorothy
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