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Umbilicaria paradise

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Clothing categories, body flat, gray surface, seemed fungus containing glycogen, plastics, iron phosphate, calcium and vitamins. Ming Li Shizhen in the Compendium of Materia Medica famous scientists drug records Umbilicaria, to the shape of ears, Shanseng far adopted the best-fed,wash away the sand for mushrooms, than fungus, a few days also. Word odor Umbilicaria Gan, peaceful, non-toxic, long food interests color to the old is not changed,What is saved, becoming less blatantly Yijing. Growth in Umbilicaria cliffs overhanging cliff, often used by natives Zhurou governance become dizzy,neurasthenia. Fresh Umbilicaria before Umbilicaria will use tepid water until soft, remove grit its pedicle, and wash again, Cold, wash or Zuotang.

Edit by: Dorothy

Chinese herbal medicines

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Tiantangzhai have various luxurious ingredients and native products to the growth. Existing expensive medicines over 1,000 species such as wild Gastrodia elata, the Wild Ganoderma, American ginseng, Lily, eucommia, Fu Ling. Aescin a flower in February flowers, such as cordyceps.

Edit by: Dorothy

Natural pickle

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“Tian Tongs” natural pickles license to the “red ball” chili peppers and wild ginger, wild lotus, Osmunda cinnamomea. 20 kinds of wild mountains and wild bamboo and other organic vegetable moss batteries, Tiantangzhai go rock springs, pickled vegetables, edible salt as raw materials. Process with the traditional manual processing, without any additives, preservatives, genuine, Blended slightly spicy, extra flavor crisp texture. Natural pickles, liking longevity, pretty tasty forgotten.

Edit by: Dorothy

Chestnut packet

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Tiantangzhai have many native products such as edible fungus, tea, mushroom, chestnut, Choi Jun, pearl vegetables, fat Tianxiangdan cheken. These are all-natural green food, it is really a case of “living in Green Lane, which eat natural”.

Edit by: Dorothy
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