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photo of White Cloud Scenic Area
Photo By: ch
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The West Sea, long known as the Mystery Valley for the many clusters of peaks and the fathomless depth of the valley has been opened up as the White Cloud Scenic Area. The seven-kilometer long newly paved staircase extends from the Hook Bridge Nunnery inside the West Gate of Mountain Huangshan, across the bottom of the valley, and reaches the newly built Central Sea Pavilion at the Heavenly Sea. Tourists may go to Qianxun Falls via the Hook Bridge Nunnery and the Shy Spring. The highest falls in Mountain Huangshan, Qianxun Falls has a drop of 140 meters, and is ice-free all the year round. The falls thunder can be heard at Swan Rock near the brook and one can also have a near look on the Immortal Walking on Stilts. Passing the Dropping Spring and the Lucky Cloud Bridge, one comes to the Cloud-dispelling Pavilion. Then, a twisting path leads one through Walking Fairy Bridge and to the Goddess Flower Bed and finally to the Central Sea Pavilion at the Heavenly Sea. On the way, one can watch pines in all kinds of odd shapes.

Edit by: ch
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