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Puzhao Temple Tower

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Puzhao Temple Tower locates in the southwest of Litun Village, Pingyu County. Built in Jin Dynasty, 14m high. Because of it was built by a monk Xiu Gongjie's disciples, it was also named “Monk Xiu Gongjie Tower”.

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Mountain Laole

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photo of Mountain Laole
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Mountain Laole lies 10km far away from the northwest of Queshan County. It makes up of nine hills.

In the northside of Mountain Laole, it is a tiger cavity. When the wind blows the pinasters, you can hear the roaring just like a tiger. So it has the name tiger cavity. Frontage is whirlabout road which has eighteen crooks. On the peak there is a pond of fountain, sweet and never drying up. Because of it looks like a toad, it is called “Toad pond”. There are  grandness Zhenwu Temple, Xuantan Temple, Baitai Palace, Xuandu Palace on Mountain Laole. Every spring thousands of people come here to worship the gods of Taoist.

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Mountain Baiyun

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photo of Mountain Baiyun
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Mountain Baiyun locates 72km far away from the northeast of Biyang County.

It's 983 meters height above sea level and the highest mountain of Zhumadian. In its northing, it's the source of Shahe River. It flows to the west to the Yangtze River. So it's called a mountain with two rivers. There are often some cloud and mist sur-rounding the apices. So it had marvelous spectacle of Mountain Baiyun, just looking like drawing on a cap. Since ancient time, there is a proverb:“Mountain Baiyun drawing on a cap is a foreboding of raining.” Mountain Baiyun is also famous for waterfall and grotto.

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Mountain Copper

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photo of Mountain Copper
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Mountain Copper Scenic Area is 30km far away from the east of Biyang County.

It is famous of steep, weird hills and flourish trees. There is a legend that once Zhangsanfeng (a famous shadow boxing master of Ming Dynasty) built palace here to teach shadow boxing. Several years later, he went to Mountain Wudang and became well-known. Because of this quotation, it is called:“South peak is Wudang; North peak is Mountain Copper.”It once has south and north two Taoist palace, on the peak has three Buddhist palace, today the south palace is still existing. It is a symbol of Buddhist and Taoist which are well mingled. Mountain Copper Lake Forest Garden is a national forest garden. It has a lot of floristics and animal species, such as gingkgo, China fir, leoparol, otter, zibet and white-head pheasant. In 1994, it was authorized provincial beauty spot by He'nan Province.

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Jinli Buddish Temple

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Jinli Buddish Temple locates in the south of Xincai County. Built on the base of “Songsi villa” of Ming Dynasty. It has abbot's bed chambers, Daxing Palace, storing lections cabinets.

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