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Photo By: Joanna
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The Mirror Grinding Terrace is a famous scenic spot inside the mountain. As early as the last 30s, it has already cultivated as the villa region for the VIPs. Nanyue Hotel is situated here, with 7 new buildings, total modern equipments and over 300 beds. It is a summer scenic spot inside Mountain Hengshan. A number of important meetings and foreign-affair activities are held here each year.

The Mirror Grinding Terrace is situated in the center scenic area of Southern Mountain Banshan Pavilion (halfway pavilion), it is named because the behavior of one of seven ancestors of southern Zen in China Huairang grinded the brick as the mirror, which enabled the apperception of Mazu Daoyi in Jiangxi Province. Currently, in the scenic area, preserved the stone inscription of “Zuyuan (the origin of ancestor)”, it is said that it is the place for Huairang to grind the mirror. Huairang grave still exist until now, the Prime Minister Peixiu of Tang Dynasty (to be confirmed) gave the handwriting by hand personally “Zuishenglun Tower”. Mirror Grinding Terrace is the precious collection of humanities and literary, during the Anti-Japan War period, Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying ever held the training class for South Mountain guerrilla cadre here, Jiang Jieshi also held the military meetings here for many times.

This scenic spot includes the following sceneries: two ancient temples of Fuyan and Nantai, the Chuanfa Academy that the monk of Huairang realized “shy”, the site of Mirror Grinding, Zuishenglun Tower, Magu Fairyland, Lingzhi Spring, Banshan Kiosk, Xuandu Guan, Banshan Three Bridge, Yehou Academy, Purple Bamboo Woods, Chuanyan Poetry Woods, etc. It is a central site to visit Mountain Hengshan, with beautiful scenery and convenient traffic. Every dawn or dark, you can go for a walk along the flat area for seven or eight meters. You can enjoy the freshness here rather than any feeling of tiredness.

Edit by: Joanna
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