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photo of East Lake Scenic Area
Photo By: ch
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    East Lake Scenic Area is located in the eastern suburb of Wuchang, so it is named after its position. It occupies an area of 87 square kilometers, of which water area takes up 33 square kilometers.
    East Lake Scenic Area is divided into Tingtao, Moshan, Luoyan, Baima, Chuidi, and Luohong tour areas. It possesses beautiful mountains, clear waters and abundant vegetation, with typical customs of Chu State and a unique scene: one garden within another. With its vast waters and zigzag waterfront, it is reputed as “Ninety nine Creeks”. There are spots of interest such as Xingyin Pavilion, Chutian Platform, and inscription of Lisao from the calligraphy of Mao Zedong in person at the Chu Culture Garden built according to ancient books, records and legends.

Edit by: ch
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