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photo of Introduction of Yinchuan City
Photo By: Ada
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As the capital of the Autonomous Region and one of the cradles of the ancient Chinese culture, Yinchuan City is located in the north of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Yinchuan possesses rich tourism resources, numerous scenic spots and historical relics, and beautiful natural scenery. Desert with golden sands, hills with loess and green paddy rice of watery regions are skillfully combined to form a beautiful picture of “Jiangnan located north of the Great Wall”. Abundant cultural relics of the Western Xia Dynasty, charming scenes of watery regions, fantastic landscape of the area north of the Great Wall and colorful folk customs of the Hui nationality make Yinchuan City one of the most charming cities in west China.

Edit by: Ada
Imperial Mausoleums of the Western Xia Dynasty Mountain Helan Rock Art
One Hundred and Eight Towers Sand Lake
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