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East rely upon Yanr cliff, west is close to Urumqi River, the perimeter is about 6 square kilometers, is seasoning scenic zone south suburb of cantonal, in summer, high and big, tall and straight elm, locust tree, miscellaneous wild roses, wild rosebush and bushes which bloomed red, yellow, blue, white, purple various flowers, make here become into a green and bright-colored world. In depth of winter, icebound and snow touching down white flower covered whole tree, have a unique sentiment. It is said that there is a hero early youth who named “Yanr” in ancient times, he dived into Urumqi River and killed ficking up the devil's delight mythical flood dragon, quiet down the flood, the spirit become into ten millions little swallows, make here become “swallow fairyland”. The ancient nomad called the place “Urabo”, namely means “red shooting range”. It is report that a tribe of ancient nomad often demonstration and competition in military stills and target practice in open field here, winner ride the fine house frequently, drape red silk band to show off portliness.

Edit by: Dorothy

Xinjiang Science and Technology Hall

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Xinjiang Science and Technology Hall lies in southern side of Beijing Southern Road in Urumqi City, facing north, about against the People Hall.

The whole building's first engineering area is 10,119.5 square meters, the main building have 10 floors and is 42.5 meters high. The whole building is light and handy and lively, perspective outline is rich variety, has local characteristics in Xinjiang. The decoration is very elegant in the science and technology building, set up 500 seats's science and education cinema and 300 seats's memoir halls, has 4 languages' translation device at one time. Set up audio-visual education program house, closed-circuit television broadcasting system in the main building, also set up Science and technology library and multidiscipline activities room, there are large-scale exhibit hall, galleries, is conducting popular science and youngsters to begin their science and technology pursuits.

Edit by: Dorothy

Yanghang Mosque

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Also called Tatar Mosque, Yanghang Mosque lies in southern side of Liberation Road in Urumqi City. The mosque was built in 1897 by Tartars donate money. Rebuilt by local Dehe Yanghang provide the fund in 1919.

The Yanghang Mosque area is about 3,000 square meters. It was built in the square stone terrace, is about 800 square meters. The front court imitate the Central Asia architecture layout, is corridors on three sides with picturesque decoration, decoration is very gorgeous. There are five rows port poles juxtapsitely around,28 engraved square poles stand. Round pendentive colored drawing or pattern, line up in a circle engraved wooden banister. There are four adjoined churching halls, spread the carpet on the ground, be able to hold thousands of saints to go to church. The top of the Big Temple is Tartar architecture style, stand a eight angles rhombic tower. There is a gold crescent in the peak. The tower's name is “Moon-viewing Tower”, it is the place where Muslims look at appearance and disappearance of the moon, decide the fast day. Decoration of roof, gate and windows adapt flower and geometry designs, follows Islamic doxy strictly which doesn't use graven image and animals' textured surface. Foreign Firm Big Temple is the main place where Uigur, Kazak, Tatar, Uzibiek, etc nationalities hold religion movements in Urumqi Region. There are sermon room, Imam housing, receive room, etc in the temple.

Edit by: Dorothy

Xinjiang Office Site of the Eight Route Army

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Xinjiang Office Site of the Eight Route Army located in the No.1 yard of second lane in Shengli Road in Urumqi City.

Engraved vigorous inscription of Dong Bi Wu: “Eight Route Army station Xinjiang Agency Memorial” in the granite stele in the right side of the yard. The site is a earth and wood structure, the blue brick press the eaves, China and Soviet union united two floors yellow building, during the Resistance against the Japan War from September in 1937 to 1942. It is a place where Chinese Communist Part set up agency in Xingjiiang. Chen Yun, Deng Fa, Chen Tanqiu three delegates of Party took charge of work here early or later; many advanced cadres, for example Zhou Enlai, Wang Jiaxiang, Cai Chang, Liu Yalou, etc comrades lived here on passage from Yan An out and home. In 1942, counteraction warlord Sheng Shi Cai threw himself into the lap of Jiang and against the Communist Part publicly, arrested the Chinese Communist Part's comrades who were work in Xinjiang, Eight Route Army station Xinjiang Agency was opened follow it, After liberation, Eight Route Army Office Site was classified cultural relics unit by Autonomous Region. After “Xinjiang Office memorial of the Eight Route Army” was completed, open up the memorial and displayed Chinese Communist Party's revolution and struggle deeds in Xinjiang during the Resistance Against Japan War, and exhibited Deng Fa, Cheng Tan Qiu, Mao Zemin, Du Chongyuan, Lin Jilu, etc eleven comrades' things left behind be the deceased, vita and deeds all their life one after another.

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Xinjiang People's Hall

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Xinjiang People's Hall Lies in north end of the Youhao Northern Road in Urumqi City, separate a road with Kunlun guesthouse.

This architecture was one of the offering engineering which municipality set up 30 anniversary. It was completed on the 31th in august in 1985. The area is up to 29 thousand square meters there are ports between the round side hall and positive hall. The positive hall has three-story, there are 3,160 seats' audience hall, set up 8 languages translation installation, arena, musician poll may rise fall automatically; side hall have three-story, the general layout is very unique, there are round table meeting room, multifunctional meeting room and 13 meeting hall of regions and prefectures. The whole hall's decoration is very magnificent, outside is grand and pageantry, merges modern architecture style and Xinjiang national style.

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