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Chaiwobao Lake

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Chaiwobao Lake lies in 40 kilometers south of Urumqi City, just in the valley where is from Urumqi to go to Mountain Tianshan Valley of Turpan. Its southern high hills stand in great numbers, snow-capped peaks in both south to north. Its northern is Zhaiwobao Tree Farm, numerous piles and piles in eastern bank of lake, are ancient nomadic tombs in Han, Jin period. The area is 28 square kilometers, the water is very quite like a mirror, is very clear. There are fishes in the lake, bulrushes grow thickly by the lake. Recent years replant amount of crabs, crabs are fat in autumn and are tasted by tourists. Prepare the pleasure boats in lake district, and have swimming pools, fishing region and rest and amusement rooms, is a key scenic spot which was opened up in Urumqi.

Edit by: Dorothy

No.1 Glacier

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As the head of Urumqi River, No.1 Glacier is located in the Tianger Mountain, 120 km southwest of Urumqi, 3800-4000 m above sea level. It is 2.4 km long, averagely 500 m wide and covers an area of 1.95 km2. Around it lay out 76 modern glaciers. These glaciers are near to one another, and typical of glacier landform and sediment, and the ancient glacial warping are well preserved, so they have a reputation of “living glacier fossil” and their site is the best place in China for observing and researching modern glaciers and ancient glacial warping. Land here is characteristic of alluvial by glacier, so those conducting geological survey can explore the development course of Urumqi River in the past millions and millions of years.

Edit by: Dorothy

Shuimo Valley

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Shuimo Valley lies in 5 kilometers eastern suburbs of Urumqi City. Here green trees and thick shade, old tree reach the sky, is the famous scenic zone. During Guang xu the first to be appointed imperial inspector Pan Xiao Su called fountain as Mushengquan Spring, and be written and carved stone and established stele in Qing Dynasty. Guang Xu 14th year, banished Zai Lan by Cixi queen mother ever built Xiaocao Pavilion, later army aspect built Shuimo Valley here, process munitions, the scenery was destroyed. After liberation, plant flowers and trees, built summer houses, extended bridge, opening up entertainment garden plot, has become quite and beautiful scenic resort.

Edit by: Dorothy
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