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Taiji Cave

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The Taiji Cave is also named Changle Cave, Big Cave. It is located on Mountain Stone Dragon of Xinhang Village in the northeast of Guangde- intersection points of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui three provinces. It is the traveling grotto of the longest history in the entire province.

Feng Menglong of Ming Dynasty treated “Guangde buries (Taiji Cave), the Qiantang River tide, Leizhou drum trades, the mirage” as four wonders in the world. The cave is broad in scale with a total area of 150,000 square meters and a total depth of several dozen miles; there are series of small caves as well as big ones, which are interlinked and changeable. We enter the cave above from the summit mouth and get out at the foot of the hill. The cave below is big with a lot of landscapes. The three characters “Taiji Cave” inscribed at the entry to the cave are from the original handwriting of Wu Tongchun——Ministry of Justice vice minister in Ming Dynasty. They are still very clear until now. The import hall is about 1,600 square meters and 5 to 10 meters high. It may be big enough to accommodate one thousand people. In the cave the landscape is magnificent. There are rich history remains. And stalactites are of various images. The east cave is treacherous and paste melts in it. If you lead your way for hundred meters, you will see a water-dunnel. The peak leaves the valley and the waterfall flows naturally in the cave. There are Yao Chi jade step, underground Milky Way, jade with golden light. The water-dunnel amounts to more than 2 kilometers long, and the boat may reach more than 700 meters.

The Taiji cave has been the tourist attraction even since Han and Tang Dynasties. According to historical record, Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty once wrote the poem for the cave when he was in charge of Guangde. Many writers and poets have written words describing its beauty on the cave since Song and Yuan Dynasties. The carved stones on its wall are dazzling and powerful. It is initially verified that there are more than 10 poems and passages admiring its beauty.

The Taiji Cave may be called varied and colorful because of its natural and humanities landscape. Famous and grand, it is precipitous, lovely and mysterious. With a glorious history, it is very much worth visiting.

The Taiji Cave has developed since 1986 and many other complementary facilities such as Inkstone Lake, have been constructed. And there are more and more domestic and foreign tourists coming to enjoy it with admiration recently. The praises such as “After visiting Mountain Huangshan, you will not feel like visiting other mountains” goes the same to Taiji Cave and “the world marvelous sight” are all about it. No wonder it is one of the world four wonders.

Edit by: Dorothy

TianShou Temple Tower

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The big saint tower of TianShou temple is located in the north side of Yingchun Street in Guangde County. In 1956, it is listed as the province key cultural relic preservation organ. The big saint tower was originally constructed in the Northern Song Dynasty (979), while TianShou temple was founded in Tang Dynasty (905). Along with temple, the tower is called TianShou Temple Big Saint Tower.

At first, the tower was built with 5 stories. In 1099, it was burnt down. From 1100 to 1105, the tower was rebuilt into seven-story pagoda. It is big and 31.34 meters high, belonging to pavilion type construction of Chiangnan. To be exact, it is post and panel structure with eave fleeing and wind chimes hanging on the eaves. It was repaired in 1607 and 1668. In 1900, it was destroyed in fire and only brickwork tower body left. An underground palace was discovered in October 1983. The underground palace is a straight mouth pit, 110 centimeters deep and 32 centimeters long for each side of square. There was a stele in the palace, on which the origin of tower was engraved. It was repaired in 1986.The tower almost maintained the original characteristics after being repaired. With seven stories and six sides, hexagonal upturned eaves, and chain-type tower top, the tower is 42.8 meters tall totally. The base area is 46 square meters. The blue bricks spread out on the floor; each eave was hanging the wind chimes; the wind stroked the bell to ring and the sound was to be delightful; scenery of seven-story pagoda reappeared! You can look down the scenery of mountain city by the extension ladder in the tower. A yard around the pagoda was also constructed at the same time. Strange flowers and grasses were planted and cultural relics of successive dynasties were displayed in the exhibition room for tourists to visit.

Edit by: Dorothy

Lu Lake

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Lu Lake is a reservoir in Guangde. It is situated at Mountain Tianmu odd arteries. On its east is the Ganxi Valley with a profound bamboo grove; on its west is Mountain Jizhao with its peaks towering over the land. Lu Lake is just like a clear crystal pearl, mounting in the boundless green sea.

The area of Lu Lake (including land facility) is 5 square kilometers, and the size of its water surface is 3,000 Chinese acres. Winding water and towering mountains form a beautiful picture. The dam is more than 30 meters high, over 1,000 meters long. It is grand just like a long dragon. When feudal official Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty lived here, he composed a poem “Stone Brook Waterfall” which is carved in the stele. The poem goes:“ with a different current of spring, it originates to be high and single. Descends a mountain to be straight; clear still to the sea? It fights against the flood dragon potentially; the wind blows the rain hail to be thick. Late comes a cloud color, the verse form to become the chart.”

Mountain Huaping is another scenic spot of Lu Lake located in the centre of Lu Lake. On its east is the Changlong Peninsula, and on its west stands Mountain Xiaoling. With water surrounding the hill, it becomes an island in the lake. On the mountain there are green pines and colorful wild flowers. A memorial pavilion was also built to respect water regulation of Zhang Bo. It's said that Zhang Bo once wanted to direct Water of the Lu Village to blaspheme to the immeasurable brook and dredged Nanyi Lake to reach the Yangtze River. At last, the project wasn't realized because of the pressure. But the spirit of regulating waterways has spread widely in places such as Guangde, Langxi and Gaochun of Jiangsu and he was greatly respected. Mountain Huaping stands close to the cliff place; the tablet porch was constructed around it and in the tablet porch the poetry of former famous people and the excellent work of contemporary famous painter inscribed. In the lake pavilion bank, Ming Dynasty Guangde famous elder Pu Yang fishing place “the Pu Yang fishing Island” stands. There is a pavilion called “fish calling” on the island. According to the fable, Pu Yang always fished in this place and invited people in the pavilion to accompany with him to read poems, which became a favorite story. Ganxi and Jishan bamboo forms the special scenic spot of Lu Lake.

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Mountain Hengshan National Forest Park

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Mountain Hengshan lies in the western suburb of the Guangde County. Seen from the distance, it is like a mountain lying down on the ground, thus it wins this name. Although the mountain is not so high, the scenery of it is very beautiful. Since the ancient times, it is not only the place for writers and poets to go for a trip, but also the place for inhabitants to go for a walk during Qingming festival and climb mountains during the Chongyang festival.

There were once many old buildings and places of interest such as Mingjiao Temple, Buddhist hall, Dragon King temple on the summit, but they were destroyed successively in the flames of war. Since the foundation of New China, people began to plant many trees and brought it back to its present appearance. Now the mountain is full of pines, green and luxuriant. At the beginning of the 90's, it was listed as the national forest park by the country.

Mountain Hengshan is one of the ten charming scenic spots in Guangde. Standing at the top of the mountain, you will enjoy a good view of the beautiful scenery: the vast field is green; rivers and creeks are like belts; the ancient tower is gorgeous; new buildings are scattered about; the old city has a new appearance.

At the foothill of west Mountain Hengshan, there is a small knoll, which is the pitching camp of Yue Fei. The native called it “Yingpanshan” or “Zhazaiyu”. According to historical record, Yue Fei once deployed troops in Mountain Hengshan when he fought against Jin Wuzhu. The camp group was ten miles long, and the military appearance was extremely powerful. Therefore, he got six victories. Later because of the bad shortage of food supplies, they could not but be compelled to shift. On that evening, Yue Fei transmitted orders: insert the flags with the character Yue around the humps of Mountain Hengshan; get sheeps' hind legs suspension, and let sheep's front hoofs go all out to beat drums. Then he commanded troops to evacuate quietly. On the early morning next day, soldiers of Jin saw the flags fluttering all around the mountain and heard the deafening sound of drumbeat. They thought the mountain armed forces would attack and did not dare to act rashly. When they perceived, the armed forces disappeared without a trace.

Edit by: Dorothy

Aunt Tao Labyrinth

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Also called Dongya Cave, Aunt Tao Labyrinth lies in Dushan town of Guangde County, 28 kilometers far from county.

There are 12 scenic spots, such as TaoGuYingbin, LiuYunFeiPu, TaoTangYeyue, DongShanTaYing, JuXianGuanHua, RuiCaoXiaGuang, QiMenYouXia, FuShouXianTao, SuoQiaoNiaoKan, SongMoYiXiang, WanFoChaoTian and TongTianYiMen. The cave covers 80 thousand square meters and the traveling line can reach as far as 1,800 meters. Now it has been fully developed with more than 200 scenic spots have already been opened to tourists.

Aunt Tao Labyrinth has a long history and many writers and poets have been there since Han and Tang Dynasties. Su Shi and Yue Fei left writings on the carved stones here. When Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming Dynasty settled down in Guangde, he called it “the attractive armor world”. The scenery here is filled with mystery, because of its unique natural landscape. The cave is full of grotesque shaped and jagged rocks. Profound, it is ancient, efficacious, beautiful, and strange in an organic whole. It is like empty boundary, which makes people feel fascinating there. On the mountain lies the palatial and magnificent sight “Cangjin towel”, at the foot of the mountain lies the green “the peach blossom pond”, in the center of the lake island lies the statue of the fairy maiden, left lies “makeup pavilion”, right lies “immortal gathering pavilion”. In Ming Dynasty, Guangde governor Zhu Lin wrote a poem: “After rain, the sky turns to be clear in suburban; in free time, I wander and see five horses hiss. Spring garment is to be wet in the door of cave with flowing clouds; the peach opposite to cliff blossom and stream gurgles.” With successive development, the limestone cave takes its unique natural landscape as the foundation, combining the historical humanities landscape and the historical fable that the fairy maiden lived in the labyrinth for a long time as the master line, to offer the confusing underground labyrinth to the general tourist, which is exquisitely carved and differs in thousands of wayss.

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