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the 5th floor

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photo of the 5th floor
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    The couplet in the hall of the 5th floor reads:“Here stands a tower that embodies the cultural spirit of Chu territory, the crane and clouds all gone but the flute still playing; Yonder flows two rivers that unite tributaries from all directions, the water running endlessly from past till forever.” A mural painting in the hall named “Boundless River Flowing to the Sky's End” represents the scene that Yangtze River rolls forward with unstoppable momentum. The great river has been the cradle of the brilliant Chu culture, which nurtures Chu people and gives birth to the imperishable Yellow Crane Tower.

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the 3rd floor

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photo of the 3rd floor
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    What attracts most eyes in the 3rd floor hall is a famous ancient couplet on the pillars. It reads, “The tower standing high into the clouds, the Yangtze River and the Han River converging together, the Tortoise Hill and Snake Hill rolling gracefully, what an eye-filling and refreshing view! Here you can enjoy the moon and breeze; on the boundless horizon, there are Mountain Xianshou in the north, Xuetang House in the east, Yueyang Tower in the west and Tengwang Pagoda in the south.”
    “So many disasters it has survived over the ages; so many celebrities have visited it and so many poets have composed here. Their thoughts and meditations are mostly gone with the white clouds and evening glow. Through the thousand-year history, there remain only Fei Yi who played the flute, Lü Dongbin who borrowed wine, Cui Hao who inscribed the poem and Li Bai who withdrew his brush.”
    The couplet depicts the imposing Yellow Crane Tower with verve and praises the feats of ancient celebrities, with the purpose of paying respect to the past and making expectations for the future. On the main wall of the hall is a mural painting named “Distinguished Figures and Writings Shine Together, to Be Admired Forever”. It portrays 13 celebrities relating to the Yellow Crane Tower including Cui Hao, Li Bai and Yue Fei, and inscribes their verses about the tower beside the respective figures. With painting and writing matching wonderfully, this artwork establishes a style of its own.

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the 4th floor

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photo of the 4th floor
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    The 4th floor serves as an “interlude” in the tower. Works of famous contemporary calligraphers are hung on the walls of the hall, and there are brushes and ink for inspired tourists to compose or paint, as all visiting literati have done since ancient times. These arrangements convey the message of trying to carry on the traditional culture of Yellow Crane Tower and open a way for future.

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the 2nd floor

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photo of the 2nd floor
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    There is a gold-plating tablet inscribed with “A Record of the Yellow Crane Tower” written by Tang Yanboli in the hall on the 2nd floor; which records the historical view of the Yellow Crane Tower in the Tang Dynasty. On each side of the tablet, there is a mural painting. One of them is named as “Sun Quan Builds the city”. By portraying the scene about Sun Quan who built the city and the watch tower, the mural painting reproduces the history of the Yellow Crane Tower which developed from a practical military post to a tourist resort. The other one titled Zhou Yu Gives the Banquet depicts the story about Zhou Yu who held the Hongmen feast in Yellow Crane Tower-a meeting contrived as a trap to kill Liu Bei, and about Zhu Geliang's clever scheme which helped Liu Bei escape the danger.

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the 1st floor

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photo of the 1st floor
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    The 1st floor has an inner height of over 12 meters. On entering the hall, visitor will see two pillars standing from the ground to the ceiling. A couplet on the pillars reads :“A refreshing current comes from the west, the clouds and mists sweeping of all regrets in the universe; The great river running to the east, the waves and billows washing away all sorrows through the ages.” Each of the upper and lower couplets is as long as 10 meters. The couplet is inscribed by Wu Zuoren, President of Central Academy of Fine Arts as well as a famous calligrapher and painter. On the wall facing the entrance is a mural painting measuring 9 by 6 meters and made of 756 enameled pieces, with the name “White Clouds and Yellow Crane”. The picture is characterized by a heavenly, romantic and fanciful atmosphere. The entrance-facing wall of the inner hall is embedded with a wood inscription that introduces the history of the Yellow Crane Tower in concise prose and elegant calligraphy.
    A balcony-like veranda halfway up the first floor has an exhibition of the painting and calligraphy works of some earlier contemporary celebrities, together with some tablets inscribed with the relevant historical literature. A reception room is also included in the veranda.

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