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photo of Yellow Crane Tower
Photo By: ch
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    Yellow Crane Tower, one of Four Major Towers in China, is situated at the top of Snake Hill, Wuchang City, to the south of Changjiang Bridge.
    It was first built constructed in 223 A.D., the second year of Emperor Huangwu's reign of Wu State during the Three Kingdoms Period, and repeatedly demolished subsequent to continuous reconstruction later. It was rebuilt and destroyed seven times respectively in the Qing Dynasty. The new Yellow Crane Tower was completed in June 1985, and listed by National Tourism Administration into National Best Forty Scenic Spots for Tourists.
    Yellow Crane Tower is 51.4 meters high with five storeys. It consists of the main tower, Pei Pavilion, veranda with windows, memorial archway, Nanlou Tower, and veranda with poem steles. Scholars in the past dynasties have written many immortal poems here.

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