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    A key national temple in China, first constructed during Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty. It was one of the 72 attached buildings. When it was under construction, monks who were cutting old trees behind the temple on the lute massif noticed the good quality of the wood. The woodiness was adamancy, veins was nicety, and sweet-smelling. Thus the forest was named Sandal Woods. It was used to be brick and wooden structure amd be made up with 4 halls and 1 palace. The interior, including the doors, the windows, the girder, the ridgepole, and the altars were all beautifully carved. Due to long time without repair, the abbot Huisheng vowed to establish Daxiong, Dabei and Dayuan three palaces. In 1994, Dabei Palace was finished, where four sides kwan-yin who have 1000 hands has been enshrined. In 1999, Dayuan Palace was finished, where the golden figure of Dizang Bodhistattva has been enshrined. Daxiong palace is now under construction, figures of three Huayan sage's are to be enshrined when finished. In the temple, the old building combining the new ones, takes on a glorious look.

Edit by: ch
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