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photo of The Corporeal Body Hall
Photo By: ch
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    A key temple in China, locates at the head of Shenguang Ridge. In 794, the Korean Jin Qiaojue passed away at the age of 99, his body was put in the rock coffin, didn't decayed for 3 years. It was originally three-layers rock tower called Dizang Tower, Dizang Tomb. Later it was changed to Shenguang Ridge because of the round light radiated in the area. In the song Dynasty people began to built court and palace to protect the tower. From then on, it was repaired in every dynasty. Now the palace occupies 256 square meters, at the center there is a tower base made of white marble on where stands a T-store octagon wooden tower. There are 8 Jin Dizang's sitting statue on every floor. Above the north gate and south gate, there are two inscribed board for each, “No.1 mountain in the southeast” from Shi Yuzao and “helping everyone out of tribulation, to be bodhisattva, if hell still exit, not to be bodhisattva ” from Li Yuanhong. The palace is made up with the gate, Mile Hall, Dizang Hall and Zhuanlun Hall. It is an artistic palace, which is a protected historical relcs at provincial level of Anhui.

Edit by: ch
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