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Tianqiao Waterfalls

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Tianqiao Waterfalls lie to the east of Mountain Baicaotuo, 30 kilometers southwest of Fuping County Seat. There are 9 great falls and a natural bridge. The falls are appraised by experts as the largest waterfall group in the north of China and the bridge is the largest natural bridge formed by metamorphic rocks.

The waterfalls lie in a ravine connected with Mountain Baicaotuo. The drop of the highest Yaotai Waterfalls is 112.5 meters. Tiansheng Bridge is formed by washout and collapse. It is 27 meters long, 13 meters wide and 13 meters high. Combined with Mountain Yaotai Milky Way Waterfall, it has the largest flow and the highest drop to form a natural geological spectacle. During the wet season, the water pours down, just like ten thousand horses galloping. During the dry season, the water babbles down, with clear and melodious sound, just like a concerto of light music. In winter, the water freezes, forming thousands of icicles of various sizes and shapes, just like jade sculptures, which are extraordinary as if done by the spirits.

Mountain Baicaotuo is 2,144.5 meters above sea level. High mountain, grotesque peak and green grass make the Scenery very beautiful. The scenic area covers an area of over one hundred thousand mu and everything is in a wild state. It is said, “There are a hundred kinds of grass, a hundred kinds of flowers and a hundred kinds of herbs.” According to folklore, the story “Precious Lotus Lantern” happened in Liaodaobei Village on the western side of Mountain Baicaotuo.

Admission fee: RMB ¥ 50 per person

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Mountain Damao

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Mountain Damao is also called Mountain Shenxian (Immortal). It is 1,898 meters above sea level and stands grandly at the juncture of Fuping County, Tangxian County and Laiyuan County.

There are immense forests, cloud seas, green towering mountains, flourishing trees, luxuriant grass, babbling springs and flying waterfalls. The beauty of the mountain forests in the south and the wildness of the grassland in the north are in one. It is a cool world where there is no hot weather during the hottest part of summer.

Mountain Damao Primitive Forest is green and luxuriant. The winding paths are dotted by the wild bushes. The higher you climb, the more perilous the mountain becomes and the denser the forests are. Below, clouds are like mist and the immense forests are like smoke. In more than 20,000 mu of mountain forests, there are Chinese pines, birches, mountain elms, poplars, bluish green cypresses, mountain apricots and walnuts. In the shade, there are more than 1,000 medicinal herbs such as ginseng and glossy ganoderma. Wild flowers such as wild camellia are in thousands of postures and intersperse among the medicinal herbs. Roe deer, Mongolian gazelles and small leopard cats are occasionally seen.

There are hundred of natural sights at Mountain Damao. In the northern valley mountain springs babble, and brooks and waterfalls can be seen everywhere. There is Huanglong Cave in the north, in which clear water runs incessantly year after year. At the south of the peak, there are several hundred mu of open land, where green grass is just like a carpet. After raining, if you stand on the top of the mountain and watch the clouds and mist in the distance, it will give you the feeling as if you were in a fairyland. In each winter and spring, the snow on the top of the mountain does not melt until days later, and “Snows at Mountain Hengshan” is one of the famous ancient sights in Tangxian County. Because there are many wild plants at Mountain Damao, it is feasible to do a plant investigation besides sightseeing. Within the boundaries of Fuping County, there are still the ruins of the Eighth Route Army's activities during the war, and many moving stories rarely known to the public circulate among the local people.

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Mountain Qingxu

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Mountain Qingxu is a famous Taoist mountain, 35 kilometers north of Tangxian County Seat. It has got its name because of its “clear and warm weather, and aloofness from worldly things”. The mountain is mainly made up of calcareous rocks. After having been corroded for ages, there have formed the towering grotesque peaks and wonderful sights. Some are like bamboo shoots, some are like wolf fangs, and others are like arrowheads. In the morning sun, the mountain is wreathed in mists, and brimmed with propitious air. Some of the natural caves are unfathomable, which adds boundless mystery to this mountain. Emperor Qianlong, who passed by here on his way of pilgrimage to Mountain Wutai, was exhilarated and surprised by its grandeur and so inscribed “Purple Air Mountain” and “Phoenix Stone” on the tablets, which were inlaid in the cliff and have been well-preserved up to now.

There are more than 100 monasteries, Taoistabbeys, nunneries and temples, which have been built since the State of Liao. All the “gods” gather here, enabling Mountain Qingxu to become a place to attract endless stream of pilgrims. The temple fair on the 15th of March (Chinese calendar) of each year appeals to Taoist followers from all parts of North China. They come here to offer incense at the abbeys, forming a busy and jolly scene.

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the Cool City

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The scenery in Laiyuan is very beautiful and the climate is cool and pleasant. In summer, the average temperature is 21 ℃, so Laiyuan is also called “Cool City”. There are many scenic spots around Laiyuan.

Here are Mountain Baishi, Grassland on the Mountain, Geyuan Temple, the Source of Juma River, Fairy Valley and so on. Even if you have been to the prairie in Inner Mongolia, it is worth having a look at the Grassland on the Mountain here in Laiyuan. It is a very large alpine meadow in the northwest of Laiyuan. Here, you can “touch the sky and step on the grassland”.

Geyuan Temple lies in the county seat, first built in 966. It is the oldest and the best-preserved civil building, and a cultural relic under state protection.

The spring at the Source of Juma River is the only spring in North China that has almost constant water temperature with almost invariable and automatic bubbling all the year around. The bubbling rate is 3 cubic meters per second. There are “Fansha Spring” that bubbles with fine sand, the “Pearl Spring” that sprays air bubbles, and the “Shoupao Spring” where you can simply dig a hole with your hand, and spring water will run out…

Fairy Valley lies 15 kilometers west of Laiyuan County Seat. It is a valley with two cliffs on both sides and a valley floor across the middle. There is a temple in the valley, but you have to climb the ladders to get to the temple, so it is called “Ladder-climbing Temple”.

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Mountain Baishi

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Mountain Baishi Scenic Spot is also called Mountain Baishi National Geological Park. Because its scenery is exactly like that of Mountain Huangshan (one of the five famous mountains in China) in Anhui Province, it is called “Small Mountain Huangshan”.

Mountain Baishi lies 15 kilometers south of Laiyuan County Seat. It gets its name because of the amount of white marble there. It is magnificent, grotesque and perilous. The mountain is very high with “three peaks, six terraces, nine valleys and eighteen hills”. The backbone is more than 7,000 meters long. The highest peak is 2,096 meters above sea level, the highest on the northwest of the North China Plain. During the Warring States Period, the mountain range separated the States of Yan and Zhao. During the Liao and Song Dynasties, two countries were separated by this mountain. At Mountain Baishi, grotesque peaks stand in great numbers, and bold cliffs and perilous ravines are very steep and precipitous, as if they were cut by axes and knives, with little curves but more edges and corners. Especially the region of needle karsts, with big drop and high density, is the only scene of marble needle karsts in Chins.

There are various kinds of plants at Mountain Baishi. The total forest area is 28,000 mu. There are some second-grade plants under state protection. There is a large area of pure red birch grove, which has a high value of appreciation. Many animals such as goats, badgers, roes, golden pheasants and mountain hares under state protection live here.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Abunolihide, a Japanese general, was shot at the Huangtu Hill at the eastern foot of Mountain Baishi.

At the northern foot of the mountain lies the key cultural relic under state protection——Mountain Baishi Great Wall, which is the best-preserved part of the Great Wall. The wall made of ashlars shows the vicissitudes of time.

The Shipu Valley is at the western foot of Mountain Baishi. The streams either wind through the woods or run between the huge stones, and either gurgle a long or flow quietly. The water leaps to be waterfalls and lingers to be pools.

Admission fee: RMB ¥ 50 per person

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