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photo of Mountain Langya
Photo By: Tom
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Mountain Langya lies 45 kilometers southwest of Yixian County Seat. The reason why it is called Mountain Langya is that the undulating mountains look like the wolves' fangs.

The story in the movie “The Five Heroes Who Sacrificed Their Lives at Mountain Langya” happened here. It depicted the heroic deed of five soldiers of the Eighth Route Army. When fighting against the Japanese invaders and running out of bullets and food, they preferred to jump off the cliff and have their bodies smashed into pieces rather than become captives. In order to commemorate and honor the five heroes, the people's government changed the name of “Wumayi Village” behind the mountain into “the Five Heroes Village” and built a memorial pagoda at the Qipantuo Peak where the five heroes held fast to their positions.

It has been more than half a century that thousands of peace-loving people have climbed up Mountain Langya, watched the memorial pagoda with reverence, and mourned the spirit of the martyrs. So it has become a famous base for patriotic education. Thanks to the beautiful scenery and rich natural resources, Mountain Langya has become a scenic spot featuring patriotic education, mountains, caves and forest sightseeing.

Edit by: Tom
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