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photo of Zhengding
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Zhengding is one of famous old towns in the in the north of our country, 15 kilometers from the north of Shijiazhuang, and has already has a history of more than 1,500 years since North Qi Dynasty built Changshan County.

The long history has left numerous magnificent cultural relics and historic sites for Zhengding. And it is famous for “three disappeared mountains, nine bridges with no water, nine floors, four towers, eight great temples and twenty-four golden steles”. There are five key relics under state protection, seven key relics under province protection and twenty-five relics under city and county protection, so it is praised as “a great treasure-house of Chinese ancient buildings”.

At present, there are thirteen sight spots opening to the public, such as the Longxing Temple established in the sixth year of Sui Dynasty, Kaiyuan Temple of Eastern Wei Dynasty, Linyi Temple, Tianning Temple of Tang Dynasty, Xianwen Temple of the Five Dynasties, Zhaoyun Temple of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the shooting bases of movie and TV play——Rongguo Mansion, Ningrong Street, the two palace in the West Journey Play, the apotheosizing Palace, the wild city, the exploration garden and the military amusement park, etc. The ancient temples and towers cooperate with the modern amusement parks to make Zhengding become the largest tourist scenic spot which is the nearest to Shijiazhuang.

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Stone Village

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photo of Stone Village
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Stone Village lies in Yujia Township of Jingxing County, 50 kilometers southwest of Shijiazhuang.

There are more than 4,000 stone houses, more than 3,700-meter-long flagstone street, more than l,000 stone wells and vaults, and more than 200 stelae. Stone attics and pavilions, stone tables and chairs, stone grinders and millstones, and stone bridges and railings can be seen everywhere, which makes people surprised. The original name of Stone Village is “Yujia Village”. Because most of the living appliances are made of stone, it is called Stone Village. According to legend, the villagers of Yujia Village are the descendants of Yu Qian, an important courtier of the Ming Dynasty. Yu Youdao, the second son of Yu Qian, together with his wife fled from a calamity and came here. They multiplied and lived in the mountain, and built the village from nothing. The bulidings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties are still in good condition.

The more than 300 siheyuans (quadrangle, a courtyard with houses on four sides) are different from one another and each has its own romantic charm. The most representative one is the stone building siheyuan, built during the reign of the Ming Emperor Tianqi. It covers an area of 2 mu, and is divided into the east yard and the west yard. The north side of the house in the siheyuan is high and the South Side is low. The whole courtyard is grand and magnificent. According to legend, 12 men from this courtyard became Xiucai in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Though the houses in Stone Village are different in size, every household is clean and tidy. There are pomegranate trees, cherry-apple trees, mountain flowers and grotesque stones in the courtyard. outside the houses, there are stone loops and iron loops, used to tie the cattle.

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Mountain Xiantai

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photo of Mountain Xiantai
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Mountain Xiantai lies within the countryside of Xinzhuang Village, the northweste of Jinglong County of Shijiazhuang City in Hebei province.

The total area is 60 sq. kilometers. It is a scenic spot that incorporates mountains, limestones, forests, mountainous springs, gorges and historical sites. In the scenic spot there are a grand canyon of “5-kilometer gallery” known as “First line day”, a peculiar natural limestone cave “Liuxiu hole”, the primitive forest and the millennium temple of the Tang Dynasty “Country protecting temple”; There are the Great Wall of Zhongshan, the Great Wall of North Qi Dynasty, the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty; and there is a exhibition room called “China first folk exhibition room” for remembering the people of Jinglong fighting fiercely in a hundred corps battle of Nie marshal, and it is also the largest scenic spot of maple leaf in China.

In the scenic spot, some hotels are established, which have high, middle, ordinary guest rooms and the big, middle, small meeting rooms, singing and dancing hall, open-air dance hall, etc.. It is not cold in winter and not hot in summer, and the environment is graceful, so it is your ideal place where you can receive the best service.

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Panlong Lake

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photo of Panlong Lake
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The Panlong Lake 1ies in Yuanshi County, 22 kilometers southwest of Shijiazhuang. The scenic area covers an area of 14 square kilometers, and the water area accounts for 3.5 square kilometers. It is a comprehensive touring and vacation area with entertainment, touring and conferencing.

The surface of the Panlong Lake is very broad, and the scenery is very beautiful. There are three islands in the lake, namely, the Lotus Island, Long Island and Reed Catkins Island. There are many excellent games such as large water sliding board, high-speed motorboats, boat-racing, angling, swimming, mountain-climbing and sand beach volleyball, which will make you enjoy yourself so much as to forget to go home. There are also some entertainment facilities, such as the bowling alley and song and dance hall, where you can display your skills. There are not only high grade suites and standard rooms but also peasants' inns with local delicacies. This will cater to all different levels of tourists, needs.

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Longxing Temple

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photo of Longxing Temple
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Situated in Zhengding County, Longxing Temple was originally named Longcang Temple, and constructed in 586, the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Sui Dynasty. At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Zhaokuangyi gave orders to cast a brass Buddha sculpture and build Dabei Pavilion at Longcang Temple. It was renamed Longxing Temple in 1709, the 48th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign, Qing Dynasty, and folks called it Dafo (big Buddha) Temple.

Standing 33 meters high, Dabei Pavilion, the main architecture at Longxing Temple, is a 5-eave, 3-floor structure, where the gigantic, lofty Buddha statue is located. This is the famous big Bodhisattva at Zhengding County, which bears one thousand hands and eyes. Standing 22.28 meters high, the Kwan-yin Bodhisattva with 42 arms shows a dignified, serene and benevolent facial expression.

Admission fee: RMB ¥ 25 per person
Open hours: 9:00-16:00
Traffic: It takes about 20 minutes to get to Zhengding County from Shijiazhuang City by medium-sized or mini buses.

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