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Guanghui Temple

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photo of Guanghui Temple
Photo By: Tom
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Situated in Zhengding County, Guanghui Temple is also called Huata Temple because Hua Pagoda is there.

Zhengding County Annals in the first year of Emperor Guangxu's reign recorded that it was built in the Tang Dynasty and restored in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. It was ruined at the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the pagoda left.

The huge colored statues bedecked on the upper wall of Hua Pagoda are simple and unsophisticated, magnificent and strange, ornate and vivid, representing the most elegant one of all Chinese pagodas. It is also a unique, priceless treasure famous for its strangest appearance and the most splendid decoration in terms of China's brick pagodas. It is infered that the pagoda was probably constructed during the Liao or Jin Dynasties according to its structure and ink inscriptions on the inner wall of the first floor. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty visited the temple for many times, enjoyed the beautiful scene at the top of it and wrote the inscription “Miaoguangyanjiao” for it.

Guanghui Temple is a key historic and cultural relics unit under state protection.

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Hot Spring Holiday Resort

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photo of Hot Spring Holiday Resort
Photo By: Tom
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Hot Spring Holiday Resort lies in Wentang Town of Pingshan County, 60 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang.

The temperature of the spring water can be up to 60-90 ℃, and it is rich in more than 30 kinds of chemical materials, such as sulfur. It is a high-heat weak-base chloride sulfate oxygen spring, with high medicinal value. It has particularly curative effects on heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis, neuropathy, sports injury and skin diseases. In the past, there was Hanwu Temple on the lake, and according to legend, the spring was excavated during the reign of the Han Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu had a skin disease and couldn't be cured though a long time had passed. One night, he dreamed of a celestial being that told him that the divine spring water could cure his disease. So he looked for it everywhere when he came to the Wentang River in Pingshan County, he bathed in it, and as a result, he was healed of his disease, Later, he built the Hot Spring Temple here.

Every year in March, when the peaches are in full blossom, people far and near come here in a continuous stream for baths. “Hot spring in March with peach blossoms” has become a grand scene.

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