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photo of Mountain Zhangshiyan Scenic Area
Photo By: Tom
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Mountain Zhangshiyan with an area of 120 square kilometers, an sea level of 1,700 meters and Zhangshiyan landform is located at Zanhuang County, 100 kilometers southwest of Shijiazhuang City and is the central site of Forest Park of Mountain Taihang.

With the largest natural echo wall in the world lies in the middle part of Mountain Zhangshiyan where it is warm in winter and cool in summer. There are ranges of hills with peaks rising one upon another, overhanging cliffs, crisscross ditches and valleys, and flourishing jungles among the mountain. In spring the colorful flowers of peaches and plums are all over the mountain, in summer the whole mountain is covered by green trees with the stream murmuring, in autumn the persimmon turns red, the pear turns yellow, and the maple leaves are all over the mountain, however, in winter it is a desolate scene on all sides with withered trees and jackdaws, and the icicle is hung upside down. With four distinct seasons and their respective beautiful scenes, Mountain Zhangshiyan is a natural place for sightseeing, recreation and spending the summer.

The main sights are Qifengbiling (Strange Peaks and Green Mountains), Danyachibi (Red Cliffs), Lingzhuchenglin, and inscriptions on tablets in ancient temples. In particular, Zhangshisandie, with a dramatic drop and a wide diameter, is rare marvelous spectacle.

The mountain adjoins Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and Beijing-Shenzhen expressway in the east, connects with Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan electric railway and Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan expressway in the north, so the traffic is very convenient. There are not only large-scale guesthouses, but also family hotels imbued with local color, and they are opening to the world with the satisfactory service.

Edit by: Tom
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