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The Former Residence of Comrade Mao Zedong

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photo of The Former Residence of Comrade Mao Zedong
Photo By: Tom
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Comrade Mao Zedong arrived at Xibaipo on May 26,1948 and from then on it is in this ordinary cottage of the small mountainous that Chairman Mao worked day and night for China's liberation career until March, 1949.

This ordinary cottage is made up of a small dooryard. In the dooryard, there set up a guardhouse, a water-house in the west side, and a millstones and a pigpen on the west of the lane. In order to keep the dooryard clean, the guard soldiers intended to remove the millstone and the pigpen, but Chairman Mao told them sincerely and earnestly:“Comrades,Chinese revolution develops day by day, we won't reside here for a long time, hence we shouldn't remove them, the masses will still use them in the future.” Thus the soldiers plastered them. In the summer days, Chairman Mao, Zhu De and Liu Shaoqi and other leaders often discussed the state affairs beside the millstone or under the trees.

It is the backyard of Chairman Mao's house where the trees were planted according to the previous condition. The room in the south of the western house was the bedroom of the Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na and her nurse, the middle one was the bedroom of Mao's family and the dining room of the family, and the northen one was the study and the data room of Mao Zedong. The east room and the west room in the northern house were the office and the bedroom of Chairman Mao respectively. It is the air-raid shelter out from the back door.

The desk, sofa, swivel chair and tea table etc. which are furnished in the office are the things that Chairman Mao had used.

During the period in Xibaipo, Chairman Mao was very busy with the light always lighted day and night. The five secretaries often researched the war situation around the round table, and they sit wirhin a command and devise strategiesthat would assure victory one kilometer away. The operational policies, multiple documents and telegraphs, instructions for the Liaoshen campaign, the Huaihai campaign and the Pingjin campaign which startled all over the world were sent out from this office and it is just here that Chairman Mao writed many composings, from which 20 writings were collected into the 4th volume of Mao Zedong's Anthology. 

Chairman Mao was very concerned about the guard soldiers and often went to their dormitories to ask about the living necessities. The soldiers were born in poor families and never studied at school, so Chairman Mao instructed them that they should the knowledge to carry out the revolution better. He himself often taught them to read and also invited a compulsory teacher with more knowledge to teach them, and made a rule of teaching and studying each other. Chairman Mao also sent some guards to central knowledge made-up class to study, and when they were about to leave, he autographed:“Make arduous efforts, serve for people” and “Study hard now, and work hard in the future”, and then he also took group photo with them for memory. The soldiers remembered Chairman Mao's instruction forever.

After the second meeting of the seventh conference of the Communist Party, the Party Central Committee and the General Headquarters of Chinese People's Liberation Army prepared to move to Beiping. Chairman Mao called together the cadres of the guard army of the organs directly under the central committee, and said sincerely and earnestly:“We will move into Beiping soon., we aren't Li Zichengs. After Li moved into Beiping, they became degenerate, but when we move into Beiping, we will keep on doing the socialist revolution and the socialist construction until we realize communism.” On March 23, 1949, Chairman Mao, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the General Headquarters of Chinese People's Liberation Army leaved Xibaipo for Beiping.

Edit by: Tom

The Former Residence of Comrade Dong Biwu

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photo of The Former Residence of Comrade Dong Biwu
Photo By: Tom
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Following the central working committee, Comrade Dong Biwu arrived at Xibaipo from Shanbei in May, 1947. He had worked here for two years.

The east room in the northern house was the office of Mr. Dong, the west one was the bedroom of the family of Mr. Dong. The west wing-room and the south wing-room were the bedroom of the working staff. The Chinese flowering crabapple, apricot-plum and green bamboo in the yard were all planted by Mr. Dong and his wife Comrade He Lianzhi in their spare time. During the time, Mr. Dong occupied the secretary of the Chinese Communist centrality Huabei bureau secretary department, the director of the Huabei finance and economics committee, the chairman of the Huabei dumb millions gov.

As one pilot of our Party, Comrade Dong Biwu attended the national soil conference, the September conference and the second meeting of the seventh conference of the Party delegates and made a speech.

Comrade Dong Biwu unweariedly studied Marx-Lenin literature and Chairman Mao literature. The books that Mr. Dong read at that time are in the bookshelf. There often laid pen and ink and paper on his desk. He insisted on studying and writing everyday, was never discontinuous. He in deed did that living to old and studying to old. It is here that Mr. Dong inscribed “People's Bank of China” for the first issuance of Renminbi in December, 1948.

Mr. Dong's living was very simple. He slept on farm kang and used the carpet that was textile in the Yan'an big production. He studious worked, and took part in labor in his spare time. He also opened up wasteland to seed vegetable and plant trees. During the period in Yan'an, Comrade He Lianzhi early was a good spinning worker, she was appraised as the laboring hero in Shanganning border area. At Xibaipo, she often span line and plaited sweaters, riddled sand for construction houses of the department, made soles with Mr. Dong.

The spinning wheel that Comrade He Lianzhi had used to spin line is on the kang. In those years, Mr. Dong ever learned how to spin line with Comrade He Lianzhi. Because he just began to learn it, he always couldn't harmonize his right hand and left hand, his spun line was uneven.

Looking the craftily graceful spinning action of his wife, Mr. Dong feelingly recited: “Entwist lines with palm and handshake with fist, it is easy when looking but difficult when doing.” After making great efforts, Mr. Dong learned how to spin line at last. In 1978, Mr. Dong's wife returned to Xibaipo. When seeing this spinning wheel, she let herself go to cross her legs and sit on the kang to emotively shake the spinning wheel again, as if she returned to the indelible years.

Mr. and Mrs.Dong were very concerned about the sufferings of the masses. Once, a farmer's child was ill at the last gasp. The family thought that the child couldn't be cured, but they couldn't bear to throw away, so they put it on the roller. After Mr. Dong couple heard that news, they immediately sent for the child to the department sanitation station. After salved, the child was turned the corner. At present, the child is still living and in good health. When the masses in the Xibaipo area mention this story, they all moved by it.

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