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Photo By: Tom
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You must have seen the movie “Little Soldier Zhang Ga”, and still have fresh recollections of the famous essay “the Lotus Lake” and the novel “Yanling Guerrilla”. The stories happened at Baiyangdian Lake, 50 kilometers southwest of Baoding.

Baiyangdian enjoys the good reputation of “North China Pearl”, covering an area of 366 square kilometers. 85% of the lake is in Anxin County and 10% in Xiongxian County. The lake area is divided into various sizes and shapes of lakes by 39 villages, over 3,700 ditches and 120,000 mu of reeds, of which the Baiyangdian Lake is the largest in size, and that's why the lake area is called Baiyangdian. The lake looks beautiful in all seasons. In spring, the reed shoots come out, and the whole lake is full of green. In midsummer, “The lotus leaves are green and the lotus flowers are red”, and “The willows on the banks are dancing in the wind”. In autumn, the reed catkins fly and the fragrance of fresh grain drift on the breeze from the fields. In winter, the boundless ice is just like jade. The ditches in the lake area are in a crisscross pattern. The geographical feature of reed marsh, lotus ponds and fishing villages is unique throughout China. Lotus ponds and boundless reed marshes are the special sights of the Baiyangdian Lake.

Edit by: Tom
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