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Mountain Tuoliang

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photo of Mountain Tuoliang
Photo By: Tom
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Mountain Tuoliang is 45 kilometers far from Mountain Wutai and 150 kilometers far from Shijiazhuang City with the area of of 22 square kilometers.

The highest peak is 2,281 meters above sea level. It has the forest scene, grassland scene, and the mountainous scene, and is a multifunctional traveling place, such as traveling, vocation, scientific investigation, convalescing, preventing sunstrtoke, etc.
The natural ecology is a primitive state, and is famous for cool, quiet and wild. The forest, grassland and flower are kept intact, and several large stretches of primitive forests are kept at the gentle hillside. There are vocational villages, hotels and family hotels, for you may live in the yard of peasant family, eat peasant meal, experience the local conditions and customs, and taste the green food.

Edit by: Tom
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