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Photo By: Tom
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Wuyue Village lies in the northwestern mountainous area of Lingshou County, 110 kilometers south from Shijiazhuang City, and facing Mountain Wutai of Buddhism Holy Land in the north.

The whole area is 24 square kilometers with the explored area of 15 square kilometers, and the highest peak is 2,281 meters above sea level. The five highest mountains with the height of over 2,000 meters above sea level and about ten hills with the height of 1,600 meters above sea level form the peculiar landforms. The mountains possess the honor of the east mountain of Tai, the danger of the west mountain of Hua, the elegance of the south mountain of Heng, the magnificence of the north mountain of Heng and the wonder of the central mountain of Song. The scene is especially enchanting in the four different seasons: hundreds of flowers bloom in spring; in the morning of summer the fog is like strap, and birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; in autumn clouds are white like cotton and the sky is especially blue, and the maple leaves are flaming red; and in winter the lofty mountains are blanketed with snow and the trees are decorated with frost and ice.

Wuyue Village are made up of three scenic spots such as the Tongyue Gorge, Wuyue Village and Mountain Tuoliang, amounting to more than 360 sight spots, and about one hundred personification landscapes such as the Guanyin Peak, Arhat Peak, General Peak, Supernatural Tortoise peak, Monkey Peak, Ostrich Peak, Love Peak, Fox Stone, Crane Stone, etc. are vivid and extremely lifelike. About ten deep and serene grand canyons with the width of less than one chi are very dangerous and each has its own characteristic. Wuyue Village belongs to the warm continental monsoon climate and the annual average temperature is 12℃ with the average temperature of 5℃ below zero in the coldest month and the average temperature of 19℃ in the hottest month, and the annual average rainfall is 820 millimeters. The water resource is very abundant in the district: there is spring in every mountain, there is water in every ditch, there are waterfalls everywhere, and there exist more than 700 big and small cascades. The forest reserve is abundant, and it has the natural second growth forest of more than 3,600 acres, and the forest coverage rate is more than 90%, so it is praised as “the sun unseen in fine days, but in rainy days clothes not wet”. According to the investigation, there are more than 100 subjects of plant and more than 700 kinds in the scenic spot, more than 700 kinds of wild animals, and more than 300 kinds of insects. And of the total there are more than 30 kinds of rare animals such as leopard, roe deer, wild boar, goat, pheasant, etc. and more than 50 kinds of precious medicine materials, such as ginseng, dangshen, glossy ganoderma, etc.

Edit by: Tom
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